| |
Posted in reply to Carlos Santander B.
| I have a modified version that will compile, however I was having troubles with getHostByName, seems not to be returning valid IP's , if you find a fix let me know ? (Changing the imports to public in socket.d will result in multiple defines, just FYI ).
Attached is the modified code, compiles with .76.
"Carlos Santander B." <carlos8294@msn.com> wrote in message news:brgfqt$667$1@digitaldaemon.com...
> "Mista" <Mista_member@pathlink.com> wrote in message
> news:brg89d$2t0m$1@digitaldaemon.com...
> | What would be the best way to start socket programming in D (windows) ?
> |
> |
> There're a couple of libraries: one by Pavel Minayev (which would have to
> modified to compile) and there's urllib by Burton Radons (which I think
> would need a couple of changes). I can't remember the links, but in www.digitalmars.com/d/dlinks.html you can find them.
> -------------------------
> Carlos Santander
> ---
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