January 12, 2004
In article <btujk6$1rhk$1@digitaldaemon.com>, C says...
>Can we PLEASE execpt this is at the standard ?  These are generated by a perl script , so updating would not be a problem , and I have yet to find a function thats not covered by this library.  I've been using for months with no problems at all!

YEP. just remove all the // lines, and we can use this. plugged it in, replaced
all stupid A and W, and all the manual written extern(Windows) BOOL
ShowWindow(...) (HEY I HAD TO WRITE THAT ONE!!), and voilà, compiles flawlessly

plug that in Walter, at least till you provide something bether..

January 12, 2004
Can you use the current phobos win32 headers on Linux / Mac ?

"Matthias Becker" <Matthias_member@pathlink.com> wrote in message
> >http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA028375/contents/D_windows.h.html
> >
> >Can we PLEASE execpt this is at the standard ?  These are generated by a perl script , so updating would not be a problem , and I have yet to find
> >function thats not covered by this library.  I've been using for months
> >no problems at all!
> >
> >C
> Wouldn't this be VERY stupid? Can I use them using Linux: No. When there
is a
> Mac port (I hope there will), would I be able to use it: No. But hey, you suggest it as part of the standard, but I can't use it on most of the
> that will hopefully be supported in the future (and partitaly allready are
> (Linux)).

January 12, 2004
> replaced all stupid A and W

These are usually correctly aliased depending if you are using win32.ansi , or win32 ( implied unicode ).


"davepermen" <davepermen_member@pathlink.com> wrote in message news:btumg4$20fa$1@digitaldaemon.com...
> In article <btujk6$1rhk$1@digitaldaemon.com>, C says...
> >
> >http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA028375/contents/D_windows.h.html
> >
> >Can we PLEASE execpt this is at the standard ?  These are generated by a perl script , so updating would not be a problem , and I have yet to find
> >function thats not covered by this library.  I've been using for months
> >no problems at all!
> >
> >C
> YEP. just remove all the // lines, and we can use this. plugged it in,
> all stupid A and W, and all the manual written extern(Windows) BOOL
> ShowWindow(...) (HEY I HAD TO WRITE THAT ONE!!), and voilà, compiles
> plug that in Walter, at least till you provide something bether..

January 12, 2004
$ grep -rn ShowWindow .
./ansi/winbase.d:2627:  WORD wShowWindow;
./ansi/winbase.d:2650:  WORD wShowWindow;
./ansi/winuser.d:2934:extern(Windows) export BOOL ShowWindow(
./ansi/winuser.d:2983:extern(Windows) export BOOL ShowWindowAsync(
./winbase.d:2918:  WORD wShowWindow;
./winbase.d:2941:  WORD wShowWindow;
./winuser.d:2934:extern(Windows) export BOOL ShowWindow(
./winuser.d:2983:extern(Windows) export BOOL ShowWindowAsync(

Seems its in winuser.

"davepermen" <davepermen_member@pathlink.com> wrote in message
> In article <btujk6$1rhk$1@digitaldaemon.com>, C says...
> >
> >http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA028375/contents/D_windows.h.html
> >
> >Can we PLEASE execpt this is at the standard ?  These are generated by a perl script , so updating would not be a problem , and I have yet to find
> >function thats not covered by this library.  I've been using for months
> >no problems at all!
> >
> >C
> YEP. just remove all the // lines, and we can use this. plugged it in,
> all stupid A and W, and all the manual written extern(Windows) BOOL
> ShowWindow(...) (HEY I HAD TO WRITE THAT ONE!!), and voilà, compiles
> plug that in Walter, at least till you provide something bether..

January 12, 2004
> All new languages have a major uphill battle with that.  > And I believe

Hear hear!  The year of the D(ragon)!

is the year in which we'll get solidly into the game on that.
"Walter" <walter@digitalmars.com> wrote in message
> "Georg Wrede" <Georg_member@pathlink.com> wrote in message news:bttfqv$2vic$1@digitaldaemon.com...
> > I think that discussing the power of a language (or, especially
> > the relative power of languages), has the same inherent problems
> > as discussing Quality. The economist academia have for years tried
> > to come up with an unambiguous, quantifiable, definition for quality,
> > unsuccessfully.
> Yes.
> > Since the comparison between any two languages ultimately reduces to comparing apples to oranges, we should at least temporarily define what power means.
> In an academic sense, yes. But that's not really what I was after. I
> to know what other peoples' perception of power was, and what they were using as criteria to support the conclusion that C++ was more powerful
> D. In other words, I want to understand what I missed either in D or if I just failed in explaining what D can to.
> > While doing that, we should also remember that "in reality" power is a street concept that is measured mostly unconsciously.
> Yes.
> > I assume
> > this includes, in addition to factual language differences, things
> > like usability and applicability for the end user, which includes
> > the easily accessible libraries, number and quality of tools,
> > whether you can ask the guy in the next cubicle for help, etc., etc.
> All new languages have a major uphill battle with that. And I believe 2004 is the year in which we'll get solidly into the game on that.

January 12, 2004
i was talking about the OLD ones.

In article <btun37$21e9$1@digitaldaemon.com>, C says...
>> replaced all stupid A and W
>These are usually correctly aliased depending if you are using win32.ansi , or win32 ( implied unicode ).
>"davepermen" <davepermen_member@pathlink.com> wrote in message news:btumg4$20fa$1@digitaldaemon.com...
>> In article <btujk6$1rhk$1@digitaldaemon.com>, C says...
>> >
>> >http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA028375/contents/D_windows.h.html
>> >
>> >Can we PLEASE execpt this is at the standard ?  These are generated by a perl script , so updating would not be a problem , and I have yet to find
>> >function thats not covered by this library.  I've been using for months
>> >no problems at all!
>> >
>> >C
>> YEP. just remove all the // lines, and we can use this. plugged it in,
>> all stupid A and W, and all the manual written extern(Windows) BOOL
>> ShowWindow(...) (HEY I HAD TO WRITE THAT ONE!!), and voilà, compiles
>> plug that in Walter, at least till you provide something bether..

January 12, 2004
again i was talking about the OLD ones.

In article <btun6j$21j9$1@digitaldaemon.com>, C says...
>$ grep -rn ShowWindow .
>./ansi/winbase.d:2627:  WORD wShowWindow;
>./ansi/winbase.d:2650:  WORD wShowWindow;
>./ansi/winuser.d:2934:extern(Windows) export BOOL ShowWindow(
>./ansi/winuser.d:2983:extern(Windows) export BOOL ShowWindowAsync(
>./winbase.d:2918:  WORD wShowWindow;
>./winbase.d:2941:  WORD wShowWindow;
>./winuser.d:2934:extern(Windows) export BOOL ShowWindow(
>./winuser.d:2983:extern(Windows) export BOOL ShowWindowAsync(
>Seems its in winuser.
>"davepermen" <davepermen_member@pathlink.com> wrote in message
>> In article <btujk6$1rhk$1@digitaldaemon.com>, C says...
>> >
>> >http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA028375/contents/D_windows.h.html
>> >
>> >Can we PLEASE execpt this is at the standard ?  These are generated by a perl script , so updating would not be a problem , and I have yet to find
>> >function thats not covered by this library.  I've been using for months
>> >no problems at all!
>> >
>> >C
>> YEP. just remove all the // lines, and we can use this. plugged it in,
>> all stupid A and W, and all the manual written extern(Windows) BOOL
>> ShowWindow(...) (HEY I HAD TO WRITE THAT ONE!!), and voilà, compiles
>> plug that in Walter, at least till you provide something bether..

January 12, 2004
.NET is designed so that other languages can be ported to it as a platform. D can use the .NET libraries once a CIL compiler is made for it.


"Matthias Becker" <Matthias_member@pathlink.com> wrote in message news:btul5l$1u8d$1@digitaldaemon.com...
> >> I assume
> >> this includes, in addition to factual language differences, things
> >> like usability and applicability for the end user, which includes
> >> the easily accessible libraries, number and quality of tools,
> >> whether you can ask the guy in the next cubicle for help, etc., etc.
> >
> >All new languages have a major uphill battle with that. And I believe
> >is the year in which we'll get solidly into the game on that.
> >
> Than you have to do a lot. Do you think you can do something that can be compaired to .NET? This is the libray that comes with a new language (C#)
> Javas library isn't bad as well. I think it will be hard.

January 12, 2004
This would go into the platform-specific section of the standard runtime library, much as Win32 headers are included with every C/C++ compiler on the Windows platform.  You wouldn't use them and probably wouldn't even have them available on Linux or Mac.

But those of us who write Windows apps NEED a full suite of Win32 functions. The existing Phobos one is far too incomplete to make any sort of simple app with, let alone a real app.

Yeah, Win32 is going to go the way of the dinosaur soon, everything will switch to .NET, but for now we have to have it.


"Matthias Becker" <Matthias_member@pathlink.com> wrote in message news:btum6u$1vuj$1@digitaldaemon.com...
> >http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA028375/contents/D_windows.h.html
> >
> >Can we PLEASE execpt this is at the standard ?  These are generated by a perl script , so updating would not be a problem , and I have yet to find
> >function thats not covered by this library.  I've been using for months
> >no problems at all!
> >
> >C
> Wouldn't this be VERY stupid? Can I use them using Linux: No. When there
is a
> Mac port (I hope there will), would I be able to use it: No. But hey, you suggest it as part of the standard, but I can't use it on most of the
> that will hopefully be supported in the future (and partitaly allready are
> (Linux)).

January 12, 2004
"C" <dont@respond.com> wrote in message news:btuium$1qgd$1@digitaldaemon.com...
> I think C++ has enough add-on s as it is, it starts to feel like a bunch
> hacks.

Because of the legacy compatibility problem C++ has, any new additions are pretty much forced into looking like hacks, or are pretty much unimplementable, like export. (Yes, I know EDG proved it could be implemented at enormous expense.)

> Now they're just stuffing it full of everything they can find.

I'm going to defend C++ on that point. Aside from export, I think the features added in to C++ were carefully considered and are defensible. The problems stem from having to fit those features into the legacy framework, and are unavoidable given an unwillingness to break existing code.

> IMO starting a new language was the perfect strategy.  D is so clean , to
> being able to express myself clearly and consistently without jumping through hurdles qualifies D as the most powerful ( currently ).

My sentiments exactly!

> I think when honest C++ users start with D ( there is always those who
> cannot let go ), their thoughts well be along the line of :
> "Its about damn time."

That is the reaction I get from most people who are willing to give it an unbiased look. A few who do give it an honest look don't like it, and that's ok, too. Not everyone has the same idea of what a reengineered C++ should look like.