February 04, 2004
"Walter" <walter@digitalmars.com> wrote in message news:bvp2p1$15pt$1@digitaldaemon.com...
> "Mark Evans" <Mark_member@pathlink.com> wrote in message news:bvotj2$snn$1@digitaldaemon.com...
> > One reason for this post is that some big names in C++ still suffer serious delusions about DMC++, and their opinions seem to cause a trickle-down effect.
> We're definitely the underdog <g>.

Maybe they try to knock DMC++  down because the
price is so low, it is a threat to their sales.
I dont believe that there would be too many novices
out there with the big name compilers(not legal copyies
anyway). They are just way over priced, and out of reach
to the average person.
I dont see any benefit gained by spending the extra
hundreds(or is it thousands in some cases?)of dollars on them.

There is much better support here also, when you need it.

From a novice

February 05, 2004

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