April 18, 2004
In my little scripting language I have found the following extension to the new construct very useful.

//-- make a little test class
class Foo
    float value;

//-- the sugar
Foo foo=new Foo()

Which is equivalent to going:

Foo foo=new Foo();

By itself it isn't too exciting, but when combined with operator overloading and anonymous functions it becomes an intuitive way to build hierarchial objects in a data desciption style.

MenuBar menuBar=new MenuBar()
    menus+=new Menu("File")
        menus+=new MenuItem("New")
            onClick=function(Menu menu){goNewFile();}
        menus+=new MenuItem("Exit")
            onClick=function(Menu menu){exit();}
    menus+=new Menu("Edit")

Another example:

Widget widget=new Widget()
    layout=new FlowLayout();
    childs+=new Button("Hello")
        onClick=function(Button button){printf("Hello");}
    childs+=new Button("Exit")
        onClick=function(Button button){exit();}