Thread overview
expression templates?
Apr 21, 2004
Norbert Nemec
Apr 22, 2004
binding arguments and argument placeholders (Re: expression templates?)
Apr 22, 2004
Norbert Nemec
Apr 22, 2004
Ben Hinkle
Apr 22, 2004
Norbert Nemec
Apr 22, 2004
Apr 22, 2004
Norbert Nemec
April 21, 2004
Hi there,

has anybody investigated whether the method of "expression templates", as used in C++ high-performance numeric libraries, can be applied in D? This method really squeezes out the last grain from C++ templates and is, as of yet, the only known method to combine maximum performance (on par with handoptimized fortran77 code or HPF) without sacrificing the expressiveness of object oriented programming.

In C++, going to the limits of the template mechanism has the drawback of creating excessive compile-time and absolutely unreadable compiler-errors. Maybe, the template mechanism of D (with type constrained type parameters, etc.) will help to overcome these problems?

I have serious doubt, that the current template mechanism has the necessary flexibility, but maybe, it only needs a few extensions? In any case: this would be the ultimate test for the power of D templates...

April 22, 2004
There's no need for expression templates in D, because D supports function literals. Function literals are a far superior method of supplying arbitrary code as an argument.

April 22, 2004
Walter wrote:

> There's no need for expression templates in D, because D supports function literals. Function literals are a far superior method of supplying arbitrary code as an argument.

True, that might actually serve my purpose. The only thing I'm missing there is the possibility to bind arguments when defining function pointers or delegates. Something like (with some invented syntax for unnamed argument placeholders):

int myadd(int a,int b) {
        return a + b;

main() {
        int a = 2;

        int delegate(int) myadd2 = myadd(a,int _);

        assert(myadd2(3) == 5);

This would give you the full lambda-calculus of functional languages, and even more, since you cannot only bind the first argument but arbitrary ones.

Be aware that literal functions do not solve this problem, because within a literal function you cannot capture the value of "a" at the time of creation of the closure.

Actually, this would even be the connection between functions and delegates. If you view "this" just as one special function argument, you would only need a way to bind not only "this" but any argument of the function.

Furthermore, the above syntax (or something similar) would also solve the problem of pointers to overloaded functions:

void func_a(void function(int) arg) { ... };

void func_a(void function(float) arg) { ... };

void func_b(int) { ... };

void func_b(float) { ... };

func_a(func_b); // ambiguous: what should be called?

func_a(func_b(int _));  // clear: the typed placeholder solves the problem

I'm not sure about the syntax for the placeholder, but the concept certainly is helpful. (Actually, I stole it from the Sather language.)

April 22, 2004
On Thu, 22 Apr 2004 10:24:10 +0200, Norbert Nemec <> wrote:

>Walter wrote:
>> There's no need for expression templates in D, because D supports function literals. Function literals are a far superior method of supplying arbitrary code as an argument.
>True, that might actually serve my purpose. The only thing I'm missing there is the possibility to bind arguments when defining function pointers or delegates. Something like (with some invented syntax for unnamed argument placeholders):
>int myadd(int a,int b) {
>        return a + b;
>main() {
>        int a = 2;
>        int delegate(int) myadd2 = myadd(a,int _);
>        assert(myadd2(3) == 5);

A nested function could help

main() {
        int a = 2;

        int myadd2(int x){ return myadd(a,x); }

        assert(myadd2(3) == 5);
        return 0;

The number of characters typed is pretty much the same. If you were looking for something like

    assert(myadd(a,_)(3) == 5)

then that would need a language change. Currently it would look like

main() {
        int a = 2;
        assert((delegate int(int y){return myadd(a,y);})(3) == 5);
	return 0;

April 22, 2004
Ben Hinkle wrote:
> A nested function could help

Not really:

main() {
        int a = 2;

        int myadd2(int x){ return myadd(a,x); }

        a = 3;

        assert(myadd2(3) == 6); // since the value of a is
                                // evaluated at calltime

        return 0;

Parameter binding, on the other hand would give the desired behaviour:

main() {
        int a = 2;

        int delegate(int) myadd2 = myadd(a,int _);

        a = 3;

        assert(myadd2(3) == 5);
        // now, the value of a was evaluated at the time of binding
        // the parameter. Of course, it somehow has to be stored inside the
        // delegate.

        return 0;

One way of emulating this behavior would be to create an object holding the delegate and any bound parameter value. But this means quite some overhead.
April 22, 2004
I think delegates already do what you are asking. The delegate contains a function pointer plus a pointer to the enclosing stack frame.

"Norbert Nemec" <> wrote in message news:c68hrr$28o4$
> Ben Hinkle wrote:
> > A nested function could help
> Not really:
> -------------------
> int
> main() {
>         int a = 2;
>         int myadd2(int x){ return myadd(a,x); }
>         a = 3;
>         assert(myadd2(3) == 6); // since the value of a is
>                                 // evaluated at calltime
>         return 0;
> }
> -------------------
> Parameter binding, on the other hand would give the desired behaviour:
> -------------------
> int
> main() {
>         int a = 2;
>         int delegate(int) myadd2 = myadd(a,int _);
>         a = 3;
>         assert(myadd2(3) == 5);
>         // now, the value of a was evaluated at the time of binding
>         // the parameter. Of course, it somehow has to be stored inside
>         // delegate.
>         return 0;
> }
> -------------------
> One way of emulating this behavior would be to create an object holding
> delegate and any bound parameter value. But this means quite some

April 22, 2004
Indeed, delegates go most of the way there. (I could simply declare a dedicated local variable a_myadd like here:

main() {
        int a = 2;

        int a_myadd = a;
        int delegate(int myadd2 = int delegate(int x){ return myadd(a,x); }
        a = 3;
        assert(myadd2(3) == 5); // now, it works correctly
                                // evaluated at calltime
        return 0;

Anyway the strong deficiency here is, that delegates pointing to a stackframe cannot be used as return value. My idea would be to simply extend the concept of object-delegates so that they can not only carry around their own "this" pointer but other bound arguments as well.

This straightforward generalization of the concept of delegates would give you full fledged lambda calculus, and would also show the way of unifying function pointers and delegates.

Of course, a way around this is, to pack up the bound arguments and the function pointer into an object with the appropriate () operator and return that. Anyway, that seems like some overhead that I would really like to avoid.