June 29, 2004
This function can be very useful in so many different programs! :)) It took me a little while to finally get this code to work, but that was half the fun of it. Anywayz, I hope someone besides myself will find this code useful, as I know I will in my future 'D' projects.


P.S. I sure hope someone can add 'HRESULT CoCreateGuid(GUID *rguid);' to com.d in the near future...so I don't have to manually add it in myself for the newer builds of 'D'. ;)

# // compiled with: C:\dmd>bin\dmd getguid.d ole32.lib uuid.lib -L/map
# /+
# ' NOTE - Before compiling, do the following:
# ' --------------------------------------------------------------
# ' In the "C:\dmd\src\phobos\std\c\windows\com.d" file, find
# ' line "int StringFromGUID2(GUID *rguid, LPOLESTR lpsz, int cbMax);"
# ' and add this line below it: "HRESULT CoCreateGuid(GUID *rguid);"
# +/
# import std.c.stdio;
# import std.c.windows.com;
# extern( Windows )
# {
#     long CoCreateGuid( GUID *pGUID );
#     int  StringFromGUID2( GUID *rguid, LPOLESTR lpsz, int cbMax );
# }
# int main()
# {
#     printf( "New GUID: %.*s\n", CreateGUID() );
#     return 0;
# }
# char[] CreateGUID()
# {
#     GUID        udtGUID;
#     wchar[ 39 ] sGUID = '\0';
#     long        lResult;
#     char[]      sGUID2 = "";
#     lResult = CoCreateGuid( &udtGUID );
#     if ( lResult < 0 )
#         return "";
#     else
#     {
#         StringFromGUID2( &udtGUID, sGUID, 39 );
#     }
#     for ( int ix = 0; ix < sGUID.length - 1; ix++ )
#     {
#         // printf( "sGUID[ %d ] = %c\n", ix, sGUID[ ix ] );
#         sGUID2 ~= sGUID[ ix ];
#     }
#     return sGUID2;
# } // end char[] CreateGUID()

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