August 18, 2004

Been hacking away at compiling STLport 4.6.2. While the RTL does compile and build, there are all of the test programs that people should be able to build and watch work. It's also a good way to verify that things are working like they ought.

I've attached a ZIP file the illustrates what looks like a compiler "feature" -- I know it's large, but it's the preprocessed output. The feature is triggered at line 5182:

	typedef __false_type implemented;

I compiled the file with "dmc -WA -Ar -Ae -v maptest.cpp" (no special flags, since the file was produced using "-e" initially.) Using "-v" is a nice feature, since the compiler will tell me what structures it has encountered and processed. __false_type is never spewn forth by "-v"'s output, leading me to conclude that the compiler never processed the structure, despite the fact that its definition occurs before line 5182.

I hate to throw such a large file in your direction and I'm willing to invest time into pruning it down to bare code to demonstrate the compiler feature if it prooves too unwieldy.


August 18, 2004
Scott Michel wrote:
<something completely ridiculous>

...Never mind... I've been staring at this pointless STLport crap for too long...
