Anuj Goyal
Posted in reply to Scott Michel
| The reference counting section in STLport is not consistent (see _thread.c or _thread.c [can't remember the name] in the STLport/stlport/stl directory) ... atomic increment is supported on some platforms (win32, solaris) but not others (aix, linux). If someone is interested, Alexander Terekhov has a good discussion of proper reference counting. He has posted a class that is available on the Intel board. C++ developers that deal with multiple platforms may find it useful. (PS: how much do we have to pay walter to port DMC to the linux platform, I bet it would beat the pants off of gcc). D is a much better language, but developers still have years of C++ that need support =)
/* This is Alexanders' experimental C++ take on >UNOFFICIAL< "pthread_refcount_t"-API
File: refcount.cpp
Originally written by Alexander Terekhov and released into the public domain. This may be used for any purposes whatsoever without acknowledgment. Thanks for the assistance and support of Pavel Vasiliev, Mike Mowbray, c.p.t.-group participants and everyone contributing, testing, and using this code. (Subject: Re: threadsafe reference counting)
#include #include #include
struct msync {
enum hlb_t { hlb }; // hoist-load barrier
enum ddhlb_t { ddhlb }; // hoist-load barrier with data-dependency "hint"
enum hsb_t { hsb }; // hoist-store barrier
enum slb_t { slb }; // sink-load barrier
enum ddslb_t { ddslb }; // sink-load barrier with data-dependency "hint"
enum ssb_t { ssb }; // sink-store barrier
enum acq_t { acq }; // hoist-load + hoist-store barrier
enum rel_t { rel }; // sink-load + sink-store barrier
enum none_t { none }; // naked
struct atomic { //
atomic(T n) : t(n) { }
T load(msync::none_t) const { return t;}
T load(msync::hlb_t) const { return t; }
T load(msync::ddhlb_t) const { return t; }
void store(T n, msync::none_t) { t = n; }
void store(T n, msync::ssb_t) { t = n; }
void store(T n, msync::acq_t) { t = n; }
void store(T n, msync::rel_t) { t = n; }
bool attempt_update(T o,T n, msync::none_t) { return (t == o) ? (t=n, true) :
false; }
bool attempt_update(T o,T n, msync::ssb_t) { return (t == o) ? (t=n, true) :
false; }
bool attempt_update(T o,T n, msync::acq_t) { return (t == o) ? (t=n, true) :
false; }
bool attempt_update(T o,T n, msync::rel_t) { return (t == o) ? (t=n, true) :
false; }
T t;
enum thread_safety { unsafe, basic }; // strong aside for a moment
class refcount;
class is_nonnegative; // just to suppress gcc 3.2 warning
struct is_nonnegative {
static bool test(numeric) { return true; }
struct is_nonnegative {
static bool test(numeric value) { return value >= 0; }
class refcount {
numeric m_value;
static numeric min() throw() {
return std::numeric_limits::min();
static numeric max() throw() {
return std::numeric_limits::max();
refcount(numeric initial_value = min()) throw() :
m_value(initial_value) {
numeric get() const throw() {
return m_value;
void set(numeric value) throw() {
m_value = value;
void increment() throw() {
assert(max() > m_value);
void add(numeric value) throw(std::overflow_error) {
if (max() - value < m_value)
throw std::overflow_error("refcount::add(): overflow");
m_value += value;
bool increment_if_not_min() throw() {
assert(max() > m_value);
if (min() == m_value)
return false;
return true;
bool add_if_not_min(numeric value) throw(std::overflow_error) {
if (max() - value < m_value)
throw std::overflow_error("refcount::add_if_not_min(): overflow");
if (min() == m_value)
return false;
m_value += value;
return true;
bool decrement() throw() {
assert(min() < m_value);
return min() < --m_value;
bool decrement(msync::acq_t) throw() {
return decrement();
bool decrement(msync::rel_t) throw() {
return decrement();
bool decrement(msync::none_t) throw() {
return decrement();
bool subtract(numeric value) throw(std::underflow_error) {
if (min() + value > m_value)
throw std::underflow_error("refcount::subtract(): underflow");
return min() < (m_value -= value);
bool subtract(numeric value, msync::acq_t) throw(std::underflow_error) {
return subtract(value);
bool subtract(numeric value, msync::rel_t) throw(std::underflow_error) {
return subtract(value);
bool subtract(numeric value, msync::none_t) throw(std::underflow_error) {
return subtract(value);
class refcount {
atomic m_value;
bool decrement(min_store_msync msm, attempt_update_msync aum) throw() {
numeric val;
do {
val = m_value.load(msync::none);
assert(min() < val);
if (min() + 1 == val) {, msm);
return false;
} while (!m_value.attempt_update(val, val - 1, aum));
return true;
bool subtract(numeric value, min_store_msync msm, attempt_update_msync aum)
throw(std::underflow_error) {
numeric val;
do {
val = m_value.load(msync::none);
if (min() + value > val)
throw std::underflow_error("refcount::subtract(): underflow");
if (min() + value == val) {, msm);
return false;
} while (!m_value.attempt_update(val, val - value, aum));
return true;
static numeric min() throw() {
return std::numeric_limits::min();
static numeric max() throw() {
return std::numeric_limits::max();
refcount(numeric initial_value = min()) throw() :
m_value(initial_value) {
numeric get() const throw() {
return m_value.load(msync::none);
void set(numeric value) throw() {, msync::none);
void increment() throw() {
numeric val;
do {
val = m_value.load(msync::none);
assert(max() > val);
} while (!m_value.attempt_update(val, val + 1, msync::none));
void add(numeric value) throw(std::overflow_error) {
numeric val;
do {
val = m_value.load(msync::none);
if (max() - value < val)
throw std::overflow_error("refcount::add(): overflow");
} while (!m_value.attempt_update(val, val + value, msync::none));
bool increment_if_not_min() throw() {
numeric val;
do {
val = m_value.load(msync::none);
assert(max() > val);
if (min() == val)
return false;
} while (!m_value.attempt_update(val, val + 1, msync::none));
return true;
bool add_if_not_min(numeric value) throw(std::overflow_error) {
numeric val;
do {
val = m_value.load(msync::none);
if (max() - value < val)
throw std::overflow_error("refcount::add(): overflow");
if (min() == val)
return false;
} while (!m_value.attempt_update(val, val + value, msync::none));
return true;
bool decrement() throw() {
return decrement(msync::acq, msync::rel);
bool decrement(msync::acq_t) throw() {
return decrement(msync::acq, msync::none);
bool decrement(msync::rel_t) throw() {
return decrement(msync::none, msync::rel);
bool decrement(msync::none_t) throw() {
return decrement(msync::none, msync::none);
bool subtract(numeric value) throw(std::underflow_error) {
return subtract(value, msync::acq, msync::rel);
bool subtract(numeric value, msync::acq_t) throw(std::underflow_error) {
return subtract(value, msync::acq, msync::none);
bool subtract(numeric value, msync::rel_t) throw(std::underflow_error) {
return subtract(value, msync::none, msync::rel);
bool subtract(numeric value, msync::none_t) throw(std::underflow_error) {
return subtract(value, msync::none, msync::none);