October 04, 2004
The code below ...

import std.string;
import std.stdio;
void main()
  char[] A;
  char[] B;
  A = "14";
  B = "013";
  writefln("i Found '%s' in '%s' at %d", A, B, std.string.ifind(B,A));
  writefln("s Found '%s' in '%s' at %d", A, B, std.string.find(B,A));

gives ...

# c:\temp>test
# i Found '14' in '013' at 2
# s Found '14' in '013' at -1

In general, whenever the first character in the substring is found in the
string at position (string.length - substr.length + 1), ifind() fails.

Melbourne, Australia
4/10/2004 12:53:38 PM