October 16, 2004
tested on windows XP, dmd 0.102

maybe not a new one, but could't find the post..

pow(real, real), pow(real, uint) and pow(real, int) are
overloaded in std.math, and the following code fails to
be compiled.

import std.math;

void main()
* want to use pow(real, uint)
* because this one is the fastest
pow(5.0, 6u);         // line9

the compiler message:
bug.d(9): function pow overloads real(real x,uint n) and
real(real x,real y) both match argument list for pow

dmd also fails to compile the following alternatives.

pow(5.0, 6);
pow(5.0, cast(uint) 6);
pow(5.0, cast(uint)(6));
pow(5.0, e);          // uint e = 6; (declared ahead)

you can successfully compile pow(5.0, 6.0) because 6.0
can never be interpreted as uint or int.  but there seems
to be no way to inform dmd that a specified number is
no real, no int, but an uint.


October 29, 2004
added to dstress:


In article <ckrq8e$1cnl$1@digitaldaemon.com>, tetsuya says...
>pow(real, real), pow(real, uint) and pow(real, int) are
>overloaded in std.math, and the following code fails to
>be compiled.
>import std.math;
>void main()
>* want to use pow(real, uint)
>* because this one is the fastest
>pow(5.0, 6u);         // line9
>the compiler message:
>bug.d(9): function pow overloads real(real x,uint n) and
>real(real x,real y) both match argument list for pow
>dmd also fails to compile the following alternatives.
>pow(5.0, 6);
>pow(5.0, cast(uint) 6);
>pow(5.0, cast(uint)(6));
>pow(5.0, e);          // uint e = 6; (declared ahead)
>you can successfully compile pow(5.0, 6.0) because 6.0
>can never be interpreted as uint or int.  but there seems
>to be no way to inform dmd that a specified number is
>no real, no int, but an uint.