Thread overview
long long support in 16 bit memory models?
Jan 07, 2012
Aug 25, 2014
Oct 10, 2017
January 07, 2012
I know long long is currently not supported in 16bit memory models.
Why is that so?
Do you plan to include it in future versions?

I'm working on an embedded application that is using barcodes, and long long support would make thing much simpler. Alternatively I know I can use some of big-int libraries (or do my own code) but they are slow and take a lot of in the final executable, and in embedded enviroment each byte counts...
August 25, 2014
On Saturday, 7 January 2012 at 19:37:11 UTC, Drago wrote:
> I know long long is currently not supported in 16bit memory models.
> Why is that so?
> Do you plan to include it in future versions?
> I'm working on an embedded application that is using barcodes, and long long
> support would make thing much simpler. Alternatively I know I can use some of
> big-int libraries (or do my own code) but they are slow and take a lot of in
> the final executable, and in embedded enviroment each byte counts...

I also would like to request such a feature. In my case, I am working with logical disk sectors, the 64-bit memory addresses returned by INT 15H/E820H calls, and I'm using the Pentium TSC register for timing.
October 10, 2017
On Monday, 25 August 2014 at 14:14:19 UTC, GEB wrote:
> On Saturday, 7 January 2012 at 19:37:11 UTC, Drago wrote:
>> I know long long is currently not supported in 16bit memory models.
>> Why is that so?
>> Do you plan to include it in future versions?
>> I'm working on an embedded application that is using barcodes, and long long
>> support would make thing much simpler. Alternatively I know I can use some of
>> big-int libraries (or do my own code) but they are slow and take a lot of in
>> the final executable, and in embedded enviroment each byte counts...
> I also would like to request such a feature. In my case, I am working with logical disk sectors, the 64-bit memory addresses returned by INT 15H/E820H calls, and I'm using the Pentium TSC register for timing.

I ended up implementing a C++ class using the FPU's native 64-bit integer support. It worked, but was clunky. I eventually located a different compiler that natively supported 64-bit integers in 16-bit compilation. I still keep DM C++ around because I have a lot of projects built under it.

Sample code from the C++ class:

#define MDAS_ADD 1
#define MDAS_SUB 2
#define MDAS_MUL 3
#define MDAS_DIV 4

// Common code to handle multiply/divide/add/subtract
void INT64::MDAS(const INT64 & p1, BYTE uop)
	void far * pthis = &m_value.d;

	_asm {
		push ds;
		lds bx, pthis;
		fild qword ptr ds:[bx];
		lds bx, p1;
		fild qword ptr ds:[bx];
		mov al, uop
		cmp al, MDAS_ADD
		jnz uo1
		faddp st(1),st;
		jmp short end;
uo1:	cmp al, MDAS_SUB;
		jnz uo2;
		fsubp st(1),st;
		jmp short end;
uo2:	cmp al, MDAS_MUL;
		jnz uo3;
		fmulp st(1),st;
		jmp short end;
uo3:	fdivp st(1),st;
		// jmp short end;
end:	lds bx, pthis;
		fistp qword ptr ds:[bx];
		pop ds;

void INT64::operator +=(const INT64 & p1)