December 28, 2004
I have a problem when I try to use the novodex physic engine(version 2.1.2), I
have errors on the operators delete and delete [] because they include the file
and the line as parameters :

NX_INLINE void  operator delete(void* p, const char*, int);
NX_INLINE void  operator delete[](void* p, const char*, int);

and the errors are:

Error: must be void operator delete(void * [,size_t]);
Error: must be void operator delete[](void * [,size_t]);

How can i make the compiler accept this operator surcharge ??? Is it a compile
option ?
Please help me .

February 08, 2005
"amaury pouly" <> wrote in message news:cqrgo7$vbi$
> Hi,
> I have a problem when I try to use the novodex physic engine(version
2.1.2), I
> have errors on the operators delete and delete [] because they include the
> and the line as parameters :
> NX_INLINE void  operator delete(void* p, const char*, int);
> NX_INLINE void  operator delete[](void* p, const char*, int);
> and the errors are:
> Error: must be void operator delete(void * [,size_t]);
> Error: must be void operator delete[](void * [,size_t]);
> How can i make the compiler accept this operator surcharge ??? Is it a
> option ?
> Please help me .

At the moment the only way this could be made to work is to do something like:

    int __line;
    const char* __file;
    #define delete(p,file,line) (__file = file, __line = line, delete(p))