June 12

i had to write a custom runtime, it was easy thanks to adam's POC repo, but i shouldn't have to want to do that, i did because i was unable to port druntime, it's too much work, since it does things it shouldn't be doing... why should i also port libc???

druntime was not built to be platform/architecture independent, that's the only problem it has, well maybe is also too big..

i don't like that GC is part of "core", it should me: "memory", memory has "GC and allocator api", please emphasis that GC is not the only way to deal with memory, it's one way of doing it alongside allocators for when performance matter, D has an advantage C#/GO/Java doesn't have, and they envy us, they had to come up with stupid apis to write no GC code (stackalloc for C# for example)

the main the runtime uses should be @nogc nothrow, to ensure that the base is already portable for all kind of purpose, including embedded

the runtime shouldn't do too much, only the strict minimum, so it remains compatible with most platforms/architectures as much as possible

every big module should be split per platform, i like how it was done with sections.d (sections_android.d sections_win64.d etc) i follow the same strategy for my own code

ideally the runtime should be a source file, not a system library, no need to version it, no need to ship it, D compiles code VERY fast, it'll force everyone to not bloat it in the years to come ;)

June 12

On Tuesday, 11 June 2024 at 08:53:21 UTC, Adam Wilson wrote:


interface DI files out to a separate location. Maybe we could do something like windows.*, posix.*, macos.*, crt.*?

I proposed a radical solution that changes all this (but the community's opinion was polarized on it):


June 12
On Tuesday, 11 June 2024 at 08:40:32 UTC, aberba wrote:

> Why can't these things be in written D? Are we opposed to that or it's a matter of manpower (getting it done)?

Yes, this can be done without changing the code structure in any way: we have version(..) for this
June 12

On Wednesday, 12 June 2024 at 08:46:47 UTC, Denis Feklushkin wrote:


On Tuesday, 11 June 2024 at 08:53:21 UTC, Adam Wilson wrote:


interface DI files out to a separate location. Maybe we could do something like windows.*, posix.*, macos.*, crt.*?

I proposed a radical solution that changes all this (but the community's opinion was polarized on it):


You introduce a makefile on top of a cryptic script to achieve it, it is over engineered

June 12

On Wednesday, 12 June 2024 at 09:31:13 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:


On Wednesday, 12 June 2024 at 08:46:47 UTC, Denis Feklushkin wrote:


On Tuesday, 11 June 2024 at 08:53:21 UTC, Adam Wilson wrote:


interface DI files out to a separate location. Maybe we could do something like windows.*, posix.*, macos.*, crt.*?

I proposed a radical solution that changes all this (but the community's opinion was polarized on it):


You introduce a makefile on top of a cryptic script to achieve it, it is over engineered

Please, spend 5 minutes to understand how this script works. It just contains two cycles. On D in will be ~5 lines, I think

I also don't like Bash, but this is the only way to make code portable for all our supported platforms

June 12

Please, spend 5 minutes to understand how this script works

This is the exact problem of druntime, it does bunch of stuff it shouldn't be doing

If the language sucks to achieve what you want to achieve, i'd personally work my way in improving the compiler, i tried once https://github.com/dlang/dmd/pull/15479

June 12

On Wednesday, 12 June 2024 at 11:39:00 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:

> >

Please, spend 5 minutes to understand how this script works

This is the exact problem of druntime, it does bunch of stuff it shouldn't be doing

The script does exactly what is needed. And only at the druntime build stage, so majority of users will never encounter it


If the language sucks to achieve what you want to achieve

It's not about D language, it's about only design (organsation) of the druntime source code

June 13

On Tuesday, 11 June 2024 at 09:25:15 UTC, Adam Wilson wrote:

> >


That strikes me as more of an opinion than objective fact. I led a detailed discussion of this topic on Discord. The end result was that the stack size issue ends up being catastrophic in non-trivial workloads. Vibe went with a 16MB stack size for precisely this reason, which means that to handle 65536 simultaneous connections, I need a server with 1TB of RAM. The reason for that is that due to performance concerns, we turn off over-commit and thus allocating 16MB per stack means that you are fully committing 16MB of physical RAM. Go/Java/.NET, can all handle 10x that number of connections on a server with 128GB of RAM, so that's the bar we have to meet.

No other language suffers this problem, not even Go. The reason is that all languages that successfully use Fibers, use dynamically expanding stacks, but this means using a precise stack-scanning moving GC. Something that D, so long as Walter is among the living, will never have.

Stackless coroutines also do not suffer this problem, which is why .NET and Rust use them.

I’ve measured the overheads of having millions of fibers with 16mb of stack even with overcommit it’s way too much. We have to go stackless much as I do not like it.

Dmitry Olshansky
CEO @ Glow labs

June 17

On Thursday, 6 June 2024 at 18:00:56 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe wrote:


On Wednesday, 5 June 2024 at 23:58:14 UTC, Adam Wilson wrote:



I think DRT only needs to concern itself with supporting language features. Anything else needs to go elsewhere.

Same here, and that it should be pay-as-you-go and as small as possible. Anything else should be regular D code.

June 18

On Wednesday, 12 June 2024 at 08:10:53 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:


i had to write a custom runtime, it was easy thanks to adam's POC repo, but i shouldn't have to want to do that, i did because i was unable to port druntime, it's too much work, since it does things it shouldn't be doing... why should i also port libc???

druntime was not built to be platform/architecture independent, that's the only problem it has, well maybe is also too big..

i don't like that GC is part of "core", it should me: "memory", memory has "GC and allocator api", please emphasis that GC is not the only way to deal with memory, it's one way of doing it alongside allocators for when performance matter, D has an advantage C#/GO/Java doesn't have, and they envy us, they had to come up with stupid apis to write no GC code (stackalloc for C# for example)

At the moment I don't see any way for the GC to not be in the mini-runtime since the compiler hooks it and it's required for compiler features. We have such an API as you propose and all it got us was a massive slow-down in the GC to accommodate the three-level v-table. We are a Runtime based language, there is always going to be a minimum that you are going to have to port.


the runtime shouldn't do too much, only the strict minimum, so it remains compatible with most platforms/architectures as much as possible

This is just not possible in practice. Runtimes are support code for the application, not the compiler, the compiler hooks the runtime to do things, but the purpose is to make compiler features for the application possible. Thus as the capabilities of Phobos grow, so too will the support code required to make those features function.

For example, Event Loops are already on the board as a "must have", and they are going into the runtime. Another one is that std.math absolutely needs to be moved into the runtime as the compiler hooks some of those methods (this one is going to happen for Phobos 3). There are more, but the point is that the Runtime gets bigger, not smaller from here. So the question becomes, how do we manage the growth?


every big module should be split per platform, i like how it was done with sections.d (sections_android.d sections_win64.d etc) i follow the same strategy for my own code

ideally the runtime should be a source file, not a system library, no need to version it, no need to ship it, D compiles code VERY fast, it'll force everyone to not bloat it in the years to come ;)

I'm reasonably sure that making DRT into a source library is not feasible. Some things need to be compiled and linked in.