August 06
On Monday, 5 August 2024 at 16:10:04 UTC, matheus wrote:
> On Sunday, 4 August 2024 at 09:51:48 UTC, aberba wrote:
>> ...
>> Mozilla killed Firefox when the lost focus of their main product. Follow when they were spending their money.
> I think that "bundling" IE with windows (IE vs Netscape) and google telling users to try chrome on its biggest search engine helped then a lot against Mozilla too.
> I'm NOT evangelist, but I use FF on PC e Mobile because it gives me a better experience together with uBlock Origin and other plugins.
> Nevermind cases of youtube throttling or teams (microsoft) rejecting FF, in the latter I had that problem myself and it was "fixed" using a User-Agent Switch add-on on FF and cheating teams, which by the way worked perfectly after... nonsense.
> By the way, in this Forum with UBO blocking, gives me literally a instant load. (I ran private browsing).
> Finally I'm not saying FF is perfect, in fact there to opposite is quite true. But again I think it currently gives me better experience with UBO than the alternatives.
> Matheus.

My use of a web browser is probably 10% browsing, 90% working with the devtools (front-end development). Until recently, Firefox wasn't a reliable browser to develop with. It was lagging behind and even now it's still loosing more users ( Since 2020, there's been numerous articles about why Firefox is loosing users and how the foundation is spending funds.

For regular browsing, even webkit should work just fine. However, Chrome now has the accumulative advantage. And it's doing just fine with C++ it seems
August 06
On 06/08/2024 1:24 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 8/4/2024 3:06 AM, Guillaume Piolat wrote:
>> - Some C headers like j40.h and miniz.h use the "switch-based coroutine" and exploit the fact the case label can be anywhere to create push parsers. Rust match doesn't allow labels anywhere, but D does so you can do the switch-based coroutine. Example:
>> At least this case is easy in D.
> It's one reason why pattern matching in D will be a construct separate from the switch statement.

At the language level yes.

At the implementation level the proposed solution is to deconstruct it into switch statements as they are already optimized.

Kinda waiting on Mike atm (I know he's busy so not pinging currently).
August 06
On Sunday, 4 August 2024 at 09:55:23 UTC, aberba wrote:
> On Sunday, 4 August 2024 at 09:51:48 UTC, aberba wrote:
>> On Sunday, 4 August 2024 at 08:20:25 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
>>> On Saturday, 3 August 2024 at 23:04:06 UTC, monkyyy wrote:
>>>> [...]
>>> What killed Firefox are all the devs that ship Chrome everywhere with their Electron crap, and while complaining about Google, cannot care less to test anything else beyond Chrome.
>> Mozilla killed Firefox when the lost focus of their main product. Follow when they were spending their money.
> Firefox was really bad, it has little to do with any specific language IMO, it was an organizational failure. The DevTool relied upon by front-end devs was horrible. It's gotten better since then but now it's almost too late.

I have been a Firefox user since 2007. Still prefer it today. I did not experience the things others say about Firefox. I prefer the dev tools over Chrome to this day.

Regardless - even if Firefox was absolutely perfect.. competing against other web browsers backed by top tech companies will always be problematic.

On its left you have Microsoft which destroyed Netscape Navigator. Most Windows users will use IE 6/7/8/etc because its there. With Firefox, you had to download it (if you have even heard of it)

On its right is Google Chrome (released 2008) heavily marketed by (obviously) google.. which the masses jumped on and used.

As I say -- even if Firefox was the best web browser, it will never be the popular browser. Even if it was, it would be for a brief moment and, likely, would have been over 10 years ago.

Most people do not care about their rights or any other thing. They just want to do something, and they will use what is likely reinstalled. Buy a new PC... already comes with Windows. Want a Web Browser... here is Edge! etc.

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