March 04, 2005
I guess D also wants to support libraries written in D, of course exporting D language bindings (with classes and all).

How does D do this? I hope it doesn't like C++, because there you have a big mess. I.e. you must be very careful in modifying existing classes to not to break binary compatibility to earlier versions of a library. Look on this:

Please note what braindead tricks these poor C++ developers have to do to keep it upwards compatible. I think these reserved virtual functions are especially funny...

Now, with D this could get even worser, since the D manual says:

> The D compiler is free to rearrange the order of fields in a class to > optimally pack them in an implementation-defined manner.

So D libraries couldn't get ever compatible to anything, since the concrete layout could even depend from compiler switches.

How is this solved? Is it solved at all?

Btw: I also saw there seem to be "import modules". Hm, look like header files. My proposal would be to generate these modules from the library binaries, or better: let the compiler access these binaries instead of parsing the import module.

March 05, 2005
I think this is very important and convenient for developers.

"Vincent Lang" <> write :d0a6lk$1lqe$

> Btw: I also saw there seem to be "import modules". Hm, look like header files. My proposal would be to generate these modules from the library binaries, or better: let the compiler access these binaries instead of parsing the import module.
> Vincent