August 09, 2005
"ElfQT" <> wrote in message news:dd8qbn$l6q$

> The "header" is from dsource.

It might be outdated, or something.  Though I'm pretty sure D has always had the implicit level of indirection (and definitely since before 2004, when that binding was written).

If you're wondering why I call it a "header" - I'm still used to C++ terminology, and to me, a "header" is "a file which doesn't have any code, just declarations."  I suppse in D, they're called "import modules," but "header" is shorter ;)

> I haven't returned anything... and I didn't recognized Start(128) point to exactly where to look ;)

Yeah, I wish D's built-in assert allowed for including error messages.  When I get an "AssertError Failure fork(593)," I'm just totally flabbergasted at first, until I realize it's a function missing a return value.  If it said "function must return a value" or something, it'd be more helpful.

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