September 10, 2005
In article <dfgem7$b86$>, Walter Bright says...
>"Nicholas Jordan" <> wrote in message news:dfg0lh$18v$
>> In the output window when I transferred my hashing function.  Editor
>problem not
>> as pressing right now. Compiler asks for a semicolon after an opening
>> brace:   namespace the { [ same with several places in stl ] And also a
>> not representable'  Warning that I do not know how to fix.
>> Got any suggestions ? I have no idea where to look to fathom these issues
>If the solution isn't apparent, the most reliable way to find out what is going on is to make a copy of the project, and then start deleting parts of it until what triggers the error becomes obvious.

Obvious was that I had more work to do before bothering more accomplished people; Following is work done 4am to 10 am this morning and taken into work machine for posting:

--------lenghty post---------

Got to the point of L:\out\exe\itc.EXE built:
Lines Processed: 51784  Errors: 0  Warnings: 0
'Successful build' - in the output window
by tinkering and reading html docs, but don't really know what
I did (or didn't do) that got me to this point. prob chmod as discussed in docs

Per plan, I will beef out my toolkit of func()'s, replacing code that generated errors earlier and figure out test harnesses that will look for likely fail points; but to do this, I will need to understand the Compiler & Tools universe in much greater detail.

Don't mean to be pesky, but numerous details await clarification:

What does the line:
ren L:\out\exe\$SCW$.EXE itc.EXE
mean ?

What is new.h doing showing up in my project window ?
Did I put in there by accident ?

Should itc.lib be added to the project using project/edit dialog ?
It is intended to be a library of funcs()'s for future use
in builds and projects ... needs to be automatically rebuilt
anytime the object files it is built from are updated.

What is -o+time on the command line to sc ?
file://J:\dm\html\ctg\sc.html#dasho gives speed as an optimization, but does not
say anything about this op

Conceptual view of static keyword: This means file scope or :: ?
Seems to vary more by which book one is reading than by implementation.
It is consequential to my project design whether an outer scope variable
is in the Global - all over the place - namespace or is restricted  to
file scope. Also, not totally disrelated in my thinking, the fact that
a file (as a compilation unit) is sometimes called a translation unit
in cs discussions has nothing to do with the TLB ? Safety controls that
are obvious to me for a commercial grade product could be implemented in
a robust manner if there is a powerful, speed-intensive frame of operation
available for use between keystrokes of the user. Such things as Horstmann's
Safe STL become useful tools for templating run-time checks that could
[ ... could ... ] exit the program in a controlled manner with a record
if some small probability failure mode was not accounted for in  coding.

<em>Page faults would affect this design paramater.</em>

If I know that my entire operating universe is, by project design,
'Win32 Console Application'
can I eliminate the #ifdef _WINIO bracketed source code in main() ?
(I did already and it seems to work,
too many issues for me to be guessing here)

Issue of sizeof(unsigned long) v. sizeof(unsigned int):
_ultoa() - but no uitoa() // unsigned int to ascii
function in the standard library - is this correct ?

Obviously _ultoa(static_cast<unsigned long>(value),...) But this builds into all efforts the morass of fixing thousands of lines code later to arise at some distant, unforseen point in the future: Fun to contemplate but not productive if this effort leads to large-scale projects.

What is Write Block in the drop-down menu ?

There seems to be no equivilent to ctl-tab command to tab through the Z-ordering of viewable editor spaces common to Win32 editors ... this command keyspace is occupied by 'go to next error'... correct ?

RVO; do it like this:
bool func(void* inVal = 0)
bool ret_val(inVal);
return ret_val;

NOT:  (???)
bool func(void* inVal = 0)
bool ret_val(inVal);// deeply nested declaration of ret_val

return ret_val;

In dm\html\ctg\sc.html (Friday, October 22, 2004 2:35:26 AM)
(up late that night, huh Walter ?)
@ line 1103:

The preformatted tag has no matching </pre> from there to eof - the closest </pre> is at line 989 before it. I do not know how to use the <dl>tag</dl> let alone the intended construct<dl><dl></dl></dl>

September 12, 2005
In article <dfkkbm$1dru$>, Walter Bright says...
>"Nicholas Jordan" <> wrote in message news:dfk1tp$qpo$


>If the project still is #include'ing files, then it hasn't been cut down to the minimum. It may seem unhelpful, but I really really recommend reducing your project to the minimum, and I mean the minimum, that reproduces the problem. This takes the guesswork out of what might be going wrong.
I pretty much did this - be though it may the some compile runs report processing of some 70,000 lines ( 0 error builds often ) the namespace issue continues ... I had stripped out everything from methods.cpp that was not essesntial building blocks for my toolkit and gotten to fast, clean builds except for the number not representable in limits.h

I later tried putting the namespace feature back in and got the same error: in someheader.h:

namespace the
int func(char in_, size_t len_)
in somefile.cpp:

int ret_val = the::func();

Compiler gives same error - semicolon expected.

I can write a really bare-bones hello-yokel that doesn't include anything - as the compiler author, you are the authority on the matter.  I understand unique about my setup can have quite a range of shades and implicatons, but I got an editor mangles source using the class editor a few hours ago, and was careful to go look at it using Textpad before anything faded away. Is this/these editors really primitive ? I haven't gotten to the skills of writing an editor, so this is a straight-up question.

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