September 26, 2005
When trying to instantiate a template function that uses 1. a type parameter and
2. a non-type template parameter of the previously defined type, the compiler
complains of an illegal type cast from "<type represented by T> to T". This
error doesn't make any sense since T represents the type I'm converting from; T
by itself isn't a real type.

An attempt to specialize the function (#define SPECIALIZE) also results in
Internal error: el.c 1988

Note that a class template with the same parameters works fine.

I'm using DMC 8.45.6n

I don't know if this is standard syntax, but MSVC 7.1 and GCC 3.4.4 don't have a problem with this (with or without SPECIALIZE).


#define BUG

#ifdef BUG

template <class T, T Value> void f()


template <> void f<bool, true>()

template <> void f<bool, false>()

#endif //BUG

template <class T, T Value> class myclass
T f()
return Value;

int main()
#ifdef BUG
f<bool, true>();
#endif //BUG
myclass<bool, true> myvar; //note that this works fine