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requesting a few pointers
Oct 06, 2005
Oct 10, 2005
Chris Sauls
Oct 15, 2005
Oct 11, 2005
Oct 15, 2005
October 06, 2005
By share luck and a whole lot of trial and error, I've hacked a small utility
program to reconcile a few reports. It's not very effective but it gets the job
done. I'm wondering if you could look at it and tell me where I've gone wrong
and if possible how I could do things better.
Thanks in advance,

# import std.file;
# import std.stdio;
# import;
# import std.string;
# extern(C) int system(char*);
# static char[][] files = [
#   "94410_TAM(Unit).txt", "94411_TAM(Unit).txt",
#   "94420_TAM(Unit).txt", "94430_TAM(Unit).txt",
# ];
# void remove(char[] file)
# {
#   if(exists(file))
#     std.file.remove(file);
# }
# uint _in(char[][] str, char[] val)
# {
#   foreach(int ndx, char[] s; str)
#     if(val == s)
#       return ndx;
#   return -1;
# }
# int main()
# {
#   uint dl;
#   char[] lastTam;
#   char[] unit;
#   char[] dir = getcwd();
#   remove("opendocs.txt");
#   remove("secreps.txt");
#   chdir(r"\dpr");
#   system("parse");
#   system("splitdpr");
#   system("move opendocs.txt " ~ dir);
#   system("move secreps.txt " ~ dir);
#   chdir(dir);
#   char[][] opendocs = splitlines(cast(char[])read("opendocs.txt"));
#   char[] lastFile;
#   bool over = false;
#   foreach(int n, char[] file; files) {
#     unit = file[0 .. 5] ~ ".rtf";
#     remove(unit);
#     append(unit, open);
#     if(exists(file))
#     {
#       if(exists(file[0 .. 5] ~ "dl.txt"))
#         remove(file[0 .. 5] ~ "dl.txt");
#       char[][] tam = splitlines(cast(char[])read(file));
#       bool newfile = true;
#       foreach(int ndx, char[] line; tam) {
#         if (_in(mares, line[2 .. 7]) != -1 &&
#             (line[65] == 'M' || line[65] == 'C' ||
#             (line[60..62] == "05" && line[65] == 'N') ||
#             (line[60..62] == "02" && line[65] == 'N')))
#         {
#           if (line[2..7] != lastTam) {
#             append(unit, `\par ` ~ "\n");
#             if (newfile) {
#               newfile = false;
#               last:
#               if( dl > 0)
#                 append (lastFile ~ "dl.txt", lastTam ~ "    " ~
rjustify(toString(dl), 3) ~ "\r\n");
#             }
#             else
#             {
#               if(dl > 0)
#                 append (file[0 .. 5] ~ "dl.txt", lastTam ~ "    " ~
rjustify(toString(dl), 3) ~ "\r\n");
#               dl = 0;
#               lastTam = "";
#             }
#           }
#           if(line[65] == 'M' && line[69] == '2')
#             dl++;
#           append(unit, `\par ` ~ line ~ "\n");
#           lastTam = line[2 .. 7];
#           documents(unit, opendocs, line[128 .. 133]);
#           if (n == files.length - 1 && over)
#             goto end;
#         }
#         else if (_in(mares, line[2 .. 7]) != -1 &&
#             (line[65] == 'M' || line[65] == 'C' ||
#             (line[60..62] == "05" && line[65] == 'N') ||
#             (line[60..62] == "02" && line[65] == 'N')))
#         {
#           if (line[2..7] != lastTam)
#             append(unit, `\par ` ~ "\n");
#           append(unit, `\par ` ~ line ~ "\n");
#           lastTam = line[2 .. 7];
#           documents(unit, opendocs, line[128 .. 133]);
#         }
#       }
#       if (n == files.length - 1)
#       {
#         lastFile = file[0 .. 5];
#         over = true;
#         goto last;
#       }
#     }
#     end:
#     append(unit, close);
#     lastFile = file[0 .. 5];
#   }
#   return 0;
# }
# void documents(char[] file, char[][] opendocs, char[] ero)
# {
#   char[] info;
#   info.length = 51;
#   info[] = ' ';
#   foreach(char[] doc; opendocs)
#     if(doc[0 .. 5] == ero)
#     {
#       append(file, `\par ` ~ info ~ doc[6 .. length] ~ "\n");
#     }
# }
# static char[][] mares = [
# "A0000", "A0001", "A0002",
# "B0000", "B0001", "B0002",
# "C0000", "C0001", "C0002",
# "D0000", "D0001", "D0002",
# "E0000", "E0001", "E0002",
# "F0000", "F0001", "F0002",
# ];

October 10, 2005
a.c.edwards wrote:
> Gentlemen,
> By share luck and a whole lot of trial and error, I've hacked a small utility
> program to reconcile a few reports. It's not very effective but it gets the job
> done. I'm wondering if you could look at it and tell me where I've gone wrong
> and if possible how I could do things better.
> Thanks in advance,
> Andrew

One thing that immediately comes to mind.  You can replace this:
> # extern(C) int system(char*);

With this:
# import std.process;

Which already defines a D-linkage system() wrap.

> #       if(exists(file[0 .. 5] ~ "dl.txt"))
> #         remove(file[0 .. 5] ~ "dl.txt");
You can get rid of the if(exists()) in this statement, because you've defined your own custom remove() overload earlier that inserts the if(exists()) expression itself.

One other thing that's immediate, is that I'm curious as to why you import and then never use it, at least not that I noticed?

-- Chris Sauls
October 11, 2005
#1, Not enough comments!!

October 15, 2005
In article <dieg7j$m8j$>, Chris Sauls says...
>a.c.edwards wrote:
>> Gentlemen,
>> By share luck and a whole lot of trial and error, I've hacked a small utility
>> program to reconcile a few reports. It's not very effective but it gets the job
>> done. I'm wondering if you could look at it and tell me where I've gone wrong
>> and if possible how I could do things better.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Andrew
>One thing that immediately comes to mind.  You can replace this:
>> # extern(C) int system(char*);
>With this:
># import std.process;

Thanks, I didn't realize that it was already wrapped in std.process. I've made the change.

>Which already defines a D-linkage system() wrap.
>> #       if(exists(file[0 .. 5] ~ "dl.txt"))
>> #         remove(file[0 .. 5] ~ "dl.txt");
>You can get rid of the if(exists()) in this statement, because you've defined your own custom remove() overload earlier that inserts the if(exists()) expression itself.

Got it. I through that function in after I realized I was using that statement alot.

>One other thing that's immediate, is that I'm curious as to why you import and then never use it, at least not that I noticed?

I was trying to imporove the program and realized it was a whole lot faster to write to a file stream than to continuously append to the file. I will be using it shortly.

Thanks for your time.

>-- Chris Sauls

October 15, 2005
In article <dif09n$4dq$>, BCS says...
>#1, Not enough comments!!

Point taken. I guess that is one of the problems all neophytes face. I will get better, I'm sure, but I was looking for something to speed up a process and comments were the last thing on my mind.
