December 06, 2005

As far as I can see from preliminary tests, languagemachine-0.2.1.tar.gz builds and runs unmodified with gdc-0.17-gcc-4.0.2 (the engine is written in D, and there are two (very different) flavours of the metalanguage compiler that compile lmn metalanguage to D.

I have linked a sample spec file for building the gdc rpm from

In theory, the 'alien' repackager can convert a .rpm package to a .deb package - but I haven't yet tried that.

I'm aiming to get the language machine running on debian/ubuntu, so I need to reinstall a debian/ubuntu distribution on some xen virtual machine locally so as to build gdc and the language machine. But ths means reminding myself all about that wonderful xen paravirtualisation stuff - several different operating systems in one computer.


Has anyone tried building the languagemachine on non-intel platforms? I don't have access to that architecture.

Oh, and by the way I have now shown that the rule system of the language machine effectively contains the lambda calculus - so it seems to be Turing-complete. On the face of it, grammar contains mathematics. I'm a linguist at heart, so I find this quite a pleasing idea.

Peri Hankey

-- - The language machine