January 24, 2006
This one has been reported a lot, but it's in my bug list so I figured I'd re-submit it anyway.  It's currently preventing some unit tests from running, so it would be nice if it were fixed.

C:\code\d\bugs>type 101_5.d
// This demonstrates an error with access specifiers using
// nested classes.

import std.c.stdio;

template Templ(T)
    class TemplA
    int val;

    class TemplB
            TemplA a = new TemplA();
            a.val = 5;

class Class(T)
    class ClassA
        int val;

        ClassA a = new ClassA();
        a.val = 5; // failure is here

int main()
    Templ!(int).TemplB tb = new Templ!(int).TemplB();
    Class!(int) cb = new Class!(int)();
    return 0;
C:\code\d\bugs>dmd 101_5
101_5.d(38): class 101_5.Class!(int).Class.ClassA member val is not accessible
101_5.d(45): template instance 101_5.Class!(int) error instantiating
101_5.d(45): Class!(int) is used as a type
101_5.d(45): new can only create structs, dynamic arrays or class objects, not v
101_5.d(45): cannot implicitly convert expression (new Class!(int)) of type void
* to 101_5.Class!(int).Class
