February 10, 2006
In article <drod3j$1jm0$1@digitaldaemon.com>, S�ren J. L�vborg says...
>I'm aware this has been discussed before, but I'd like to bring it up again (sorry!): D really should have true closures, or "stack delegates that can be returned" if you will.
>First of all, they're a very useful feature, allowing short and concise code.

>One option to work around this might be to add new syntax, say "new delegate" for this new behaviour, if implemented.
>Any comments? Am I the only one who'd find this useful? Is there already similar functionality, and I've just not found it? (If so, please elaborate!)
>S�ren J. L�vborg

It is very useful as I see it. I recently looked at D at found it very promising (being disappointed in C++, after all these years). Currently, I use Python in my projects, and these "true" closures are quite natural in Python:

def make_adder(n):
def _adder(m):
return n + m
return _adder

adder = make_adder(3)
print adder(2)

gives 5. (Sorry for this alien language snippet).

Looking for something faster than Python, I tried to do that in D, but no way:

import std.stdio;

int delegate(int) make_adder(int what) {
int _adder(int num) {
return what + num;
return _adder;

void main() {
int delegate(int) adder;
adder = make_adder(3);
writefln("%d", adder(2)); // Oops! the stack frame is gone :(

And worse, this doesn't work too:

int delegate(int) make_adder(int what) {
int *pw = new int;
*pw = what;
int _adder(int num) {
return *pw + num; // Doesn't work either - the *pw is corrupted
// after exiting the stack frame
return _adder;

About syntax, it would be convenient it I had another storage modifier, like "managed":

int delegate(int) make_adder(managed int what) {
int _adder(int num) {
return what + num; // "What" is allocated on the heap
// and managed with GC
return _adder;

Just my $0.02, and sorry for bad English.


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