April 19, 2006
What *exact* debug info formats DMC linker generates (and for what switches)?

The problem is that sometimes I can get functions names/file lines with generic dbghelp.lib, sometimes I can get it with MS approved hack for CodeView4 format, but sometimes both approaches fail.

Furthermore, in CodeView4 info I have seen incorrect records (containing  only one address for module, but I don't remember this well, so if interested, I should repeat tests)

This problem is rather annoying for me because I cannot show message box on exception with valid call stack unwinded and demangled, so I have to write stack frame address to binary file and then run my utility to decode it (trying with both PDB and CV4 approaches)

Nic Tiger
April 21, 2006
Nic Tiger wrote:
> What *exact* debug info formats DMC linker generates (and for what switches)?
> The problem is that sometimes I can get functions names/file lines with generic dbghelp.lib, sometimes I can get it with MS approved hack for CodeView4 format, but sometimes both approaches fail.
> Furthermore, in CodeView4 info I have seen incorrect records (containing  only one address for module, but I don't remember this well, so if interested, I should repeat tests)
> This problem is rather annoying for me because I cannot show message box on exception with valid call stack unwinded and demangled, so I have to write stack frame address to binary file and then run my utility to decode it (trying with both PDB and CV4 approaches)
> Nic Tiger

It generates codeview 4 debug info.