July 17, 2006

The code below is rejected by version 8.48 of the Digital Mars compiler; it is accepted by Borland, Visual and Comeau and (most important) it looks valid to me :)

Maybe the definition of operator+ should be searched for in the current namespace too, not only in the namespaces of the operands...

----------------------------------------------------- Cut here
namespace N1
class X { int _i; };

namespace N2
N1::X operator+ (const N1::X &x1, const N1::X &x2)
{ return x1; }

void Test ()
N1::X x;
operator+ (x, x); // works
x + x;            // fails

int main ()
{ return 0; }
----------------------------------------------------- and here

The error message is:

x + x;
main.cpp(22) : Error: illegal operand types
Had: N1::X
and: N1::X

Yours truly,