August 03, 2006
xs0 wrote:
> BLS wrote:
>>   tokenNames[LITERAL_synchronized]="synchronized";
> when used with an expression, it's the same as in D, but can also be a modifier for functions. With non-static methods,
> synchronized func()
> {
> }
> becomes
> func()
> {
>     synchronized(this) {
>     }
> }
Actually, that Java code can be converted directly to D, as D support synchronized methos. And yes it's not clearly documented, the only reference to that is in:, Synchronization.

> With static methods, its synchronized(ClassName.class) in Java, I'm not sure whether something similar can be used in D (is TypeInfo an object or a struct?)

It also works with static methods in D. It is synchronized on this.classinfo , which is the equivalent of Java's ClassName.class .

Bruno Medeiros - MSc in CS/E student
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