August 22, 2006
I am of the possibly misguided opinion that the if the expression x.opIndex(i) evaluates to V then x[i] should should also evaluate to V. I have however found two situations in which this does not happen. The first is when you have a pointer to a struct. The second is when opIndex is a delegate within a struct:

  struct Ex1
    int[4*4] data;
    int opIndex(int i, int j) { return data[i + j*4]; }

  struct Ex2
    int[4*4] data;

    int delegate(size_t i, size_t j) opIndex;
    int opIndexA(size_t i, size_t j) { return data[i + j*4]; }
    int opIndexB(size_t i, size_t j) { return data[j + i*4]; }

  Ex1  e1;
  Ex1* e2;
  e2 = &e1;
  Ex2  e3;
  e3.opIndex = &e3.opIndexA;

  e1[1,0]; // sure; not a problem
  e2[2,0]; // only one index allowed to index Ex1 *
           // [i] has no effect in expression ((e2)[2])
  e3[3,0]; // no [] operator for type Ex2

  e1.opIndex(1,0); // sure; not a problem
  e2.opIndex(2,0); // sure; not a problem
  e3.opIndex(3,0); // sure; not a problem

I certainly understand why the above occurs. I thought I would mention this inconsistency so that anyone who had not noticed would have a chance to think it over. Anyone else who has noticed another case of x.opIndex(i) not working with x[i] might also want to explain how it happened.