September 04, 2006
mangleof_14_b, _14_c and _14_d are expected to fail to compile
They are assigning a char [] to an int.
(in early releases they caused segfaults).

The other mangleof_14 cases fail because


does not work. You can however write


September 07, 2006
Don Clugston schrieb am 2006-09-04:
> mangleof_14_b, _14_c and _14_d are expected to fail to compile
> They are assigning a char [] to an int.
> (in early releases they caused segfaults).

Thanks, fixed.

> The other mangleof_14 cases fail because
> x.mangleof[2]
> does not work. You can however write
> (x.mangleof)[2]

That is a DMD bug. The code below works - even though it uses x.mangleof[2].

# import std.stdio;
# struct S{
# }
# class C{
# }
# int main(){
#    S s;
#    C c = new C();
#    writefln("instance:\t%s\t%s", s.mangleof[1], c.mangleof[1]);
#    writefln("type:\t%s\t%s", S.mangleof[1], C.mangleof[1]);
#    return 0;
# }
