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LDC command arguments vs DMD argument
March 19

Is LDC expected to work the same way with respect to command line arguments as DMD?

I note it offers the same set, but there are some subtle differences.

$ ldc2 --version
LDC - the LLVM D compiler (1.28.0):
  based on DMD v2.098.0 and LLVM 11.1.0
  built with LDC - the LLVM D compiler (1.28.0)
  Default target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
$ dmd --version
DMD64 D Compiler v2.109.1
$ rm -f libs/* utf8.a
$ dmd -preview=dip1000 -preview=dip1021 -preview=in -I=. -lib -od=libs -of=utf8.a utf8*.d
$ ls libs
$ ls utf8.a
ls: cannot access 'utf8.a': No such file or directory
$ ldc2 -preview=dip1000 -preview=dip1021 -preview=in -I=. -lib -od=libs -of=utf8.a utf8/*.d
$ ls libs
$ ls utf8.a

If I change the -of option for LDC to '-of=libs/utf8.a' then it places the library archive in the libs subdir, along with the objects. Note also that the 'package.o' object from each such library will overwrite each other if used in that form for LDC.

However if the same option is used for DMD then the library archive ends up in libs/libs/utf8.a.

I can make libs/libs a symlink to get the library archives in the same place for both compilers, however that still does not address the name collision and overwrite for the object files created by LDC.

March 19

On Wednesday, 19 March 2025 at 17:02:02 UTC, Derek Fawcus wrote:


Is LDC expected to work the same way with respect to command line arguments as DMD?

No. But with ldc2 provided binary ldmd2 which does

March 19

On Wednesday, 19 March 2025 at 20:22:19 UTC, Denis Feklushkin wrote:


On Wednesday, 19 March 2025 at 17:02:02 UTC, Derek Fawcus wrote:


Is LDC expected to work the same way with respect to command line arguments as DMD?

No. But with ldc2 provided binary ldmd2 which does

Aha. I'd not spotted that. I shall give it a go. Thanks.