Thread overview
Query Expression Sequence (QES)
Nov 23
Nov 24
Nov 24
November 23

As a design I was inspired from C#'s Linq, it is not tied to a specific library, it is available based upon the context expression.

It should not require AST modifications and can be implemented purely in the parser, with lowerings into the library code as per the context expression.

I do not believe this should continue, due to a statement by Adam Wilson regarding the language integrations of Linq being less used today.
However the basic design is described here.

Some examples:

Database db;
Book book;

Person[] authors = book -> Person {
	on: db,
	where: book.authors
authors = (book, mydb: db) -> Person {
	on: mydb,
	where book.authors

ulong bannedCount = authors -> {
	on: db,
	where: ! && authors.banned
bannedCount = authors -> ulong {
	on: db,
	where: !( || authors.profit > 1_000_000) && authors.banned,
	result: authors as count

Person[] allAuthors = db -> Person {
	from: Person,
	where: Person in -> Person {
		result: Book.authors

Person[] allAliveAuthors = db -> Person {
	from: Book.authors as authors,
	where: authors if alive,
	result: authors as unique

QESCompiledRef booksForAuthorRef = db -> Book (Person person) {
	from: Book as book,
	where: person in book.authors

auto builder = booksForAuthorRef();
builder["person"] = ...;
Book[] booksForAuthor = builder();


+    QESStart QESExpressionContinue

+ QESExpressionContinue:
+   "->" Type|opt QESExpressionParams|opt '{' QESControlBody '}'

+ QESExpressionParams:
+   QESExpressionParams ',' QESExpressionParams|opt
+   Type Identifier

+ QESStart:
+    Identifier
+    Tuple

+ QESControlBody:
+   QESControlBody ',' QESControlBody|opt
+   Identifier ':' QESControlExpression

+ QESControlExpression:
+   QESControlExpression QESBinaryOp QESControlExpression
+   QESControlExpression "if" QESControlCall
+   QESControlExpression "as" QESControlCall
+   '(' QESControlExpression ')'
+   '-' QESControlExpression
+   '!' QESControlValue
+   QESControlValue

+ QESBinaryOp:
+   "&&"
+   "||"
+   "in"
+   '!' "in"
+   "=="
+   "!="
+   ">="
+   '>'
+   "<="
+   '<'
+   '+'
+   '-'
+   '*'
+   '-'
+   '*'
+   '/'
+   '%'
+   '~'

+ QESControlCall:
+    Identifier '(' QESControlCallArguments ')'
+    Identifier

+ QESControlCallArguments:
+    QESControlCallArguments ',' QESControlCallArguments|opt
+    QESControlExpression

+ QESControlValue:
+    QESExpressionOp
+    IdentifierList
+    QESVariable
+    QESControlLiteral
+    '\' '(' Expression ')'
+    Expression

+ QESVariable:
+    '$' Identifier

+ QESExpressionOp:
+    QESExpression '.' Identifier
+    QESExpression
+    QESExpressionContinue '.' Identifier
+    QESExpressionContinue

+ QESControlLiteral:
+    StringLiteral
+    CharacterLiteral
+    IntegerLiteral
+    FloatLiteral

A simplified example of a library type:

struct QESControlState(ResultType, alias Types, alias ParameterizedVariableTypes) {
	Types context;
	string[] contextNames, parameterizedVariableNames;

	@disable(__compilerOnly, "User code should not know about the control state of a QES")
	static (QESControlRef, QESControlState*) allocate(Types context, string[] contextNames, string[] parameterizedVariableNames) {
		QESControlRef ret = QESControlRef.allocate;
		ret.state.context = context;
		ret.state.contextNames = contextNames;
		ret.state.parameterizedVariableNames = parameterizedVariableNames;

		return (ret, ret.state);

	@disable(__compilerOnly, "User code should not be interacting with the parse tree of a QES") {
		// QESControlBody
		ParseTree* control(string identifier);
		// QESControlCall
		ParseTree* queryOp(ResultType, Types...)(QESControlState!(ResultType, Types)* other, string op=null);
		ParseTree* literal(LiteralType)(LiteralType value);
		ParseTree* expression(ExpressionType)(ExpressionType value);

	static if (is(ResultType == void) {
	} else {
		alias getResult this;
		// Your ``getResult`` may return a wrapped slice, i.e. ``DynamicArray!ResultType``
		ResultType[] getResult();
		QESCompiledRef compile();
	ulong count();
	bool any();
	bool empty();

	struct QESCompiledRef {
		QESBuilderRef opCall();

	struct QESBuilderRef {
		ParameterizedVariableTypes parameterizedVariables;
		void opIndexAssign(PType)(PType value, string parameterizedVariable);
		static if (is(ResultType == void) {
		} else {
			alias getResult this;
			// Your ``getResult`` may return a wrapped slice, i.e. ``DynamicArray!ResultType``
			ResultType[] getResult();
		ulong count();
		bool any();
		bool empty();

	struct ParseTree {

What the parse tree type should look like:

struct ParseTree {
	ParseTree* negateTruthiness();
	ParseTree* negateNumber();

	ParseTree* asOp(string op);
	ParseTree* checkOp(string op, ParseTree*[] arguments...);
	ParseTree* identifierOp(immutable(string[]) identifiers);
	ParseTree* and(ParseTree* rhs);
	ParseTree* or(ParseTree* rhs);
	ParseTree* equals(bool negate, ParseTree* rhs);
	ParseTree* moreThan(bool orEqualsTo, ParseTree* rhs);
	ParseTree* lessThan(bool orEqualsTo, ParseTree* rhs);
	ParseTree* condition(ParseTree* truthy, ParseTree* falsey);
	ParseTree* testInQuery(bool negate, ParseTree* query);
	ParseTree* addition(ParseTree* rhs);
	ParseTree* subtract(ParseTree* rhs);
	ParseTree* multiply(ParseTree* rhs);
	ParseTree* divide(ParseTree* rhs);
	ParseTree* modulas(ParseTree* rhs);
	ParseTree* append(ParseTree* rhs);
November 23

On Saturday, 23 November 2024 at 16:44:12 UTC, Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole wrote:


authors = (book, mydb: db) -> Person {
on: mydb,
where book.authors

Its bad enough that bad languages like python implement regex, at least its terse, why would you even want a database language embedded in a language that doesnt even ship a database datastructure; much less isnt set up to do some multi machine number crunching nonsense

If you want database thing, it should at least start with taking the preexisting database datastructs and shipping them in phoboes and seeing if anyone even uses it

Im not sure about what linq does but Id bet its only on strings and isnt extendable in the slightest

November 24
On 24/11/2024 7:25 AM, monkyyy wrote:
> On Saturday, 23 November 2024 at 16:44:12 UTC, Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole wrote:
>> authors = (book, mydb: db) -> Person {
>>     on: mydb,
>>     where book.authors
>> };
> Its bad enough that bad languages like python implement regex, at least its terse, why would you even want a database language embedded in a language that doesnt even ship a database datastructure; much less isnt set up to do some multi machine number crunching nonsense

We ship both sqlite and ODBC.

So yes, we do offer this currently, although it is not at the level people may want.

> If you want database thing, it should at least start with taking the preexisting database datastructs and shipping them in phoboes and seeing if anyone even uses it

I have no offerings for database, that requires coroutines at the bare minimum.

> Im not sure about what linq does but Id bet its only on strings and isnt extendable in the slightest

It is basically an ORM with language integrations.

November 24
On Sunday, 24 November 2024 at 04:00:28 UTC, Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole wrote:
> On 24/11/2024 7:25 AM, monkyyy wrote:
>> On Saturday, 23 November 2024 at 16:44:12 UTC, Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole wrote:
>>> authors = (book, mydb: db) -> Person {
>>>     on: mydb,
>>>     where book.authors
>>> };
>> Its bad enough that bad languages like python implement regex, at least its terse, why would you even want a database language embedded in a language that doesnt even ship a database datastructure; much less isnt set up to do some multi machine number crunching nonsense
> We ship both sqlite and ODBC.
> So yes, we do offer this currently, although it is not at the level people may want.
>> If you want database thing, it should at least start with taking the preexisting database datastructs and shipping them in phoboes and seeing if anyone even uses it
> I have no offerings for database, that requires coroutines at the bare minimum.
>> Im not sure about what linq does but Id bet its only on strings and isnt extendable in the slightest
> It is basically an ORM with language integrations.

LINQ is not regarded as being a great feature of C#

Besides, i have a hard time understanding what your code does, on top of being confused about the syntax

This is the epitome of a over engineered feature

November 24
On Sunday, 24 November 2024 at 10:55:08 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:
> This is the epitome of a over engineered feature

Its underengineered, no extensibility, does only one thing, copies mircosoft
November 25

On Saturday, 23 November 2024 at 16:44:12 UTC, Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole wrote:


As a design I was inspired from C#'s Linq, it is not tied to a specific library, it is available based upon the context expression.

It should not require AST modifications and can be implemented purely in the parser, with lowerings into the library code as per the context expression.

I do not believe this should continue, due to a statement by Adam Wilson regarding the language integrations of Linq being less used today.
However the basic design is described here.

This looks like something straight out of Perl 6/Raku--an entire DSL built into the language specifically for database queries!