January 20, 2007
Hi, i was reading the interfaces chapter in http://www.digitalmars.com/d/interface.html and it says "Interfaces correspond to the interface exposed by operating system objects, like COM/OLE/ActiveX for Win32".
Does this mean i can't use interfaces on unix operating systems?

An interface can have a constructor and destructor?

Thanks in advance.
January 20, 2007
Heinz escribió:
> Hi, i was reading the interfaces chapter in
> http://www.digitalmars.com/d/interface.html and it says "Interfaces
> correspond to the interface exposed by operating system objects, like
> COM/OLE/ActiveX for Win32". Does this mean i can't use interfaces on unix
> operating systems?

I was going to say that it's just poorly written, but IIRC that behavior changed many versions ago. I can't find that change, but check the bottom of that page: it says that COM interfaces are those derived from std.c.windows.com.IUnknown. So, go ahead and use them as you would in Java.

Carlos Santander Bernal