Thread overview
98/msdos/dmc EOF behavior
Feb 03, 2007
Feb 03, 2007
Matthew Wilson
Feb 03, 2007
Feb 03, 2007
Matthew Wilson
February 03, 2007
Hello this is my first post to any "newsgroup".
I apologize in advance for any misteps.

I have been learning C using the book "The C Primer" (Hancock, Kreiger, Zamir)
and dmc on a p2 running 98 and dmc in a msdos terminal for the past few months.  I occasionally boot to Redhat9 and use gcc but usually in 98 and compiling with dmc so I'm not to far from work stuff.

I have had odd problems on several occasions with stdin, not working as expected in codes.  Seems like getchar, putchar, scanf, printf would leave a things like \n in stdin so I would have to come up with work-arounds.  I am now up to fopen etc. and once again am having a similar problem, this time with EOF, which prompts this post.  As yet I haven't found an explanation as to why or what I SHOULD be doing.

Here is an example of what I wound up doing this time.  Any thoughts?
Thanks, Howard
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("           primer- test17_4.c \nReading, manipulating and writing to and from files \n  -using putw() and getw() \n\n");

FILE *file;
int i;

file = fopen("temp", "w");
for(i=0; i < 985; i += 123)
  { putw(i, file); }

file = fopen("temp", "r");
/* while((i = getw(file)) != EOF)        DOESN'T work, loop runs on */
while((i = getw(file)) != 0xffff)     /* this catches whatever it is */
  { printf("%6d  %4x \n", i, i); }

--- OUTPUT ---
D:\C\primer\17_file_io>  dmc -A -r -wx 17_4.c
link 17_4,,,user32+kernel32/noi;

D:\C\primer\17_file_io>  17_4
           primer- test17_4.c
Reading, manipulating and writing to and from files
  -using putw() and getw()
     0     0
   123    7b
   246    f6
   369   171
   492   1ec
   615   267
   738   2e2
   861   35d
   984   3d8
----- END -----

February 03, 2007

Unfortunately you catch at my busiest time in years, so I simply won't get a chance to help you for at least a week. Perhaps others on the group will.

FYI: From what I could glean, I think your post is OT for this group. You may want to post to the C++ group, or maybe even try comp.lang.c++.moderated/comp.lang.c++, which you can get to from

Good luck. Feel free to post again in a week's time, if you get nowhere elsewhere.


February 03, 2007
Matthew Wilson wrote:
> Howard
> I think your post is OT for this group. You may want to post to the C++ group, or maybe even try comp.lang.c++.moderated/comp.lang.c++, which you can get to from
> Matthew
oops, I was afraid of that.  I saw this group recommended to another newb on another forum.  I will check into your other suggested lists.  sorry...
Thanks, Howard
February 03, 2007
> I will check into your other suggested lists.  sorry...

Not necessary. :-)

Good luck