April 15, 2007

  I wrote a little proof-of-concept shim for doing this.
It seems to work as expected, while preventing naive misuse.

    template <class T>
    class raw_assignment_shim
       operator T::resource_type*() // conversion op
       {  return &res_; }

       ~raw_assignment_shim()       // dtor
          // do some checks here...
          ref_.set(res_, false);


       friend raw_assignment_shim<T> make_raw_assignment_shim(T& ref);

       raw_assignment_shim(T& ref): // private ctor

       T::resource_type operator*(); // not implemented. Prevents de-ref.


       T::resource_type res_;
       T& ref_;

    template <class T>
    raw_assignment_shim<T> make_raw_assignment_shim(T& ref)
    {  return raw_assignment_shim<T>(ref); }


    bool SequenceProcessor::createFilterGraph(string filename)
       using winstl::a2w;

       // Create a source filter specified by filename
       *ref_ptr<IBaseFilter> pSource;*
          ::MessageBox( NULL, "Unable to create source filter",
                       "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION );
          return 0;

    /* // original code...
       // Create a source filter specified by filename
       ref_ptr<IBaseFilter> pSource;
          IBaseFilter* ppSource= NULL;

             ::MessageBox( NULL, "Unable to create source filter",
                          "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION );
             return 0;
          pSource.set(ppSource, false);

Of course, the names can be changed, and some refinements should
probably be added.
Such as limit it only for initializing an empty (NULL) ref_ptr<>,
exceptions etc.

What do you think?

April 28, 2007
Any comments on this?

Adi Shavit wrote:
> Hi,
>   I wrote a little proof-of-concept shim for doing this.
> It seems to work as expected, while preventing naive misuse.
>     template <class T>
>     class raw_assignment_shim
>     {
>     *public:*
>        operator T::resource_type*() // conversion op
>        {  return &res_; }
>        ~raw_assignment_shim()       // dtor
>        {
>           // do some checks here...
>           ref_.set(res_, false);
>        }
>     *private:*
>        friend raw_assignment_shim<T> make_raw_assignment_shim(T& ref);
>        raw_assignment_shim(T& ref): // private ctor
>           res_(ref.get()),
>           ref_(ref)
>        {}
>        T::resource_type operator*(); // not implemented. Prevents de-ref.
>     *private:*
>        T::resource_type res_;
>        T& ref_;
>     };
>     template <class T>
>     raw_assignment_shim<T> make_raw_assignment_shim(T& ref)
>     {  return raw_assignment_shim<T>(ref); }
>     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>     bool SequenceProcessor::createFilterGraph(string filename)
>     {
>        using winstl::a2w;
>        // Create a source filter specified by filename
>        *ref_ptr<IBaseFilter> pSource;*
>        if(FAILED(pGraph->AddSourceFilter(a2w(filename),0,
>     *make_raw_assignment_shim(pSource)*)))
>        {
>           ::MessageBox( NULL, "Unable to create source filter",
>                        "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION );
>           return 0;
>        }
>     /* // original code...
>        // Create a source filter specified by filename
>        ref_ptr<IBaseFilter> pSource;
>        {
>           IBaseFilter* ppSource= NULL;
>           if(FAILED(pGraph->AddSourceFilter(a2w(filename),0,&ppSource)))
>           {
>              ::MessageBox( NULL, "Unable to create source filter",
>                           "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION );
>              return 0;
>           }
>           pSource.set(ppSource, false);
>        }
>     */
>        ...
> Of course, the names can be changed, and some refinements should
> probably be added.
> Such as limit it only for initializing an empty (NULL) ref_ptr<>,
> exceptions etc.
> What do you think?
> Adi

April 28, 2007
There will be.

Am crammed with the very last bits of XSTL - CD, index, final page proofs.

After that, things will be more 'Active'. (Get it?!?! <g>)
  "Adi Shavit" <adish@gentech.co.il> wrote in message news:f0vcml$kcd$1@digitalmars.com...
  Any comments on this?

  Adi Shavit wrote:

      I wrote a little proof-of-concept shim for doing this.
    It seems to work as expected, while preventing naive misuse.

      template <class T>
      class raw_assignment_shim
         operator T::resource_type*() // conversion op
         {  return &res_; }

         ~raw_assignment_shim()       // dtor
            // do some checks here...
            ref_.set(res_, false);


         friend raw_assignment_shim<T> make_raw_assignment_shim(T& ref);

         raw_assignment_shim(T& ref): // private ctor

         T::resource_type operator*(); // not implemented. Prevents de-ref.


         T::resource_type res_;
         T& ref_;

      template <class T>
      raw_assignment_shim<T> make_raw_assignment_shim(T& ref)
      {  return raw_assignment_shim<T>(ref); }


      bool SequenceProcessor::createFilterGraph(string filename)
         using winstl::a2w;

         // Create a source filter specified by filename
         ref_ptr<IBaseFilter> pSource;
         if(FAILED(pGraph->AddSourceFilter(a2w(filename),0, make_raw_assignment_shim(pSource))))
            ::MessageBox( NULL, "Unable to create source filter",
                         "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION );
            return 0;

      /* // original code...
         // Create a source filter specified by filename
         ref_ptr<IBaseFilter> pSource;
            IBaseFilter* ppSource= NULL;

               ::MessageBox( NULL, "Unable to create source filter",
                            "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION );
               return 0;
            pSource.set(ppSource, false);

    Of course, the names can be changed, and some refinements should probably be added.
    Such as limit it only for initializing an empty (NULL) ref_ptr<>, exceptions etc.

    What do you think?

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