July 04, 2007
July 04, 2007
Things here are *extremely* busy, commercially, for me at the moment. My current client's needs are occupying almost all my waking hours.

However, I have some good plans for documentation of STLSoft, in collaboration with some of its more regular and knowledgeable users, that should start to kick in in the next month or so.

So, as usual, I apologise for the lack of docs, and promise better soon.

The most likely turnout is that 1.9.3 is released - in the next couple of weeks - with the same minimal/non-existent documentation, but that 1.9.4 will contain the start of the new docs.

In the meantime, you can always buy my latest book - Extended STL, volume 1 (http://extendedstl.com/) - that contains a good description of a number of the STLSoft components from the inside out. ;-)

