August 13, 2007
I'm trying to make a dsss.conf for schooner.
Schooner can be built in two different flavors, one flavor using derelict for openGL, and another flavor using a built-in static translation of the OpenGL headers.  To that end some of the Schooner libraries use the following:
module gld;

version (useDerelict) {
  public import;
} else {
  public import gl;

When dsss tries to compile this library is fails to find gl.d.  I think perhaps the version statements are confusing it.

I suspect I could work around it if there were a way to explicitly force a depencdency in the dsss.conf, but I don't see such a thing.

Here's my current take at a dsss.conf for schooner:

name = schooner

version(Posix) {
} else {
exclude=win32/buildme.d win32/source/win32/all.d

exclude=freetype/buildme.d freetype/build_freetype.d




version(useDerelict) {
August 13, 2007
Bill Baxter wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to make a dsss.conf for schooner.
> Schooner can be built in two different flavors, one flavor using derelict for openGL, and another flavor using a built-in static translation of the OpenGL headers.  To that end some of the Schooner libraries use the following:
> ---------------
> module gld;
> version (useDerelict) {
>   public import;
> } else {
>   public import gl;
> }
> ...
> ---------------
> When dsss tries to compile this library is fails to find gl.d.  I think perhaps the version statements are confusing it.
> I suspect I could work around it if there were a way to explicitly force a depencdency in the dsss.conf, but I don't see such a thing.
> Here's my current take at a dsss.conf for schooner:
> -----
> name = schooner
> version(Posix) {
> [x11]
> buildflags+=-Ix11/source
> exclude=x11/buildme.d
> } else {
> [win32]
> buildflags+=-Iwin32/source
> exclude=win32/buildme.d win32/source/win32/all.d
> }
> [freetype]
> buildflags+=-Ifreetype/source
> exclude=freetype/buildme.d freetype/build_freetype.d
> [gl]
> buildflags+=-Igl/source
> exclude=gl/buildme.d
> [gld]
> buildflags+=-Igld/source
> exclude=gld/buildme.d
> [fonts]
> buildflags+=-Ifonts/source
> exclude=fonts/buildme.d
> [*]
> version(useDerelict) {
>   buildflags+=-version=useDerelict
> }
> -----

Here's the actual error I get when trying to build gld:

  gld\source\gld.d(6): module gl cannot read file 'gl.d'

Actually it seems like the problem is that gl.d is originally located in gl/source/gl.d, but it wants to be installed as include/d/gl.d (for use as "import gl;").

All the schooner modules do that sort of thing.  All of the lib source is located in a 'source' subdir, but the files need to be installed *without* the subdirectory prefix.
