August 21, 2007
Hi Mathew,

Sorry for the delay on the reply but my laptop's hard drive just died on me last Thursday, and I've been quite busy trying to recover the "important" files (by the way any suggestions regarding HD recovering tools are welcome).

In the attachment is the output for the x86, x64 and ia64 compilations, hope it helps.

Cláudio Albuquerque

"Matthew Wilson" <> wrote in message news:fa2qr1$1jb1$
>> I'll change all this round, and verify for Win32 compilers. Can I ask you to download the set of .cpp files in, and execute the following command-line:
>> "cl -nologo -c test1.cpp test11.cpp test12.cpp test13.cpp test14.cpp test2.cpp test3.cpp test4.cpp test21.cpp test22.cpp test23.cpp test31.cpp"
>> and send me the output? (Note: some of these are guaranteed not to compile. It's just the difference between what'll compile on Win32 and Win64 that should finally make clear what should be supported in include/stlsoft/internal/cccap/msvc.h).
> Sigh. Stupid web-news thing.
> Please note that the link is:
> and NOT
> ;-)
> Matt

August 21, 2007
> Sorry for the delay on the reply but my laptop's hard drive just died on me last Thursday, and I've been quite busy trying to recover the "important" files (by the way any suggestions regarding HD recovering tools are welcome).

Yeah, I know that pain. My (7-year old) server died two months ago. I finally got myself sorted and ordered two nice new big boys - VMs, 2xquad core, etc. etc. - but installing these has been held up by having my office renovated. So I've been living on this dodgy (Windows) laptop for two months. Hopefully I'll get back to being able to test cross-platform and to stop having to back up to a memory stick I carry round my neck at all times. ;-)

> In the attachment is the output for the x86, x64 and ia64 compilations, hope it helps.

Excellent. From this, it appears that the 64-bits simply ignore any calling convention declarators. This should enable me to release 1.9.5

If it's ok with you, I'll put up a few more test4x.cpp files, as a final check of the hypothesis?

Thanks for all the help


August 22, 2007
Hi Mathew,

Sure, just change the files you need and I will run the tests.

Cláudio Albuquerque

"Matthew Wilson" <> wrote in message news:fafk15$2mir$
>> Sorry for the delay on the reply but my laptop's hard drive just died on
>> me
>> last Thursday, and I've been quite busy trying to recover the "important"
>> files (by the way any suggestions regarding HD recovering tools are
>> welcome).
> Yeah, I know that pain. My (7-year old) server died two months ago. I finally got myself sorted and ordered two nice new big boys - VMs, 2xquad core, etc. etc. - but installing these has been held up by having my office renovated. So I've been living on this dodgy (Windows) laptop for two months. Hopefully I'll get back to being able to test cross-platform and to stop having to back up to a memory stick I carry round my neck at all times. ;-)
>> In the attachment is the output for the x86, x64 and ia64 compilations, hope it helps.
> Excellent. From this, it appears that the 64-bits simply ignore any calling convention declarators. This should enable me to release 1.9.5
> If it's ok with you, I'll put up a few more test4x.cpp files, as a final check of the hypothesis?
> Thanks for all the help
> Cheers
> Matt

August 22, 2007
Cláudio Albuquerque <clá> Wrote:

> Hi Mathew,
> Sure, just change the files you need and I will run the tests.
> Regards
> Cláudio Albuquerque

Thanks. Here's one (possibly final) batch.



August 23, 2007
Mathew, here it goes....


"Matthew Wilson" <> wrote in message news:fai6ih$1qic$
> Cláudio Albuquerque <clá> Wrote:
>> Hi Mathew,
>> Sure, just change the files you need and I will run the tests.
>> Regards
>> Cláudio Albuquerque
> Thanks. Here's one (possibly final) batch.
> Cheers
> Matt

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