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To get the ipaddress of all the system connected in server
Jan 25, 2008
mani kandan
Jan 25, 2008
Christopher Wright
Jan 25, 2008
January 25, 2008

      I am working in python project. I want to find out all the terminal connected to the DHCP server and select the particular devices for firmware download. Just give me the code to get the ip address and name of all the system connected to the DHCP server.

Thank's and regard's,

January 25, 2008
mani kandan wrote:
>     Hai,
>       I am working in python project. I want to find out all the terminal connected to the DHCP server and select the particular devices for firmware download. Just give me the code to get the ip address and name of all the system connected to the DHCP server.

First, we wouldn't give you Python code; we'd give you D code.

Second, that's nontrivial, and depends on which DHCP server you have installed. You could probably parse the logfiles to get the information, or you'd have to create Python bindings for the development files for whichever DHCP daemon you have, or at the very least you'd have to connect with sockets according to the abilities of the daemon and issue commands and parse the results.

Third, you don't even want to connect to a DHCP server to track downloads. You need to look at the webserver or FTP server.

Fourth, this is probably for a company. You're probably getting paid. That means you're outsourcing your work to us without paying.

If anyone else responds, I don't expect them to be as civil as I am. Unless you offer compensation, and a decent amount of information.
January 25, 2008
mani kandan Wrote:
> all the terminal connected to the DHCP server

1) imho, you means PC with telnet terminal emulation?
imho terminals not use network, it use serial interfaces.

2) connected to DHCP? imho, all devices not connects to DHCP. it just send several packets with IP address request and receive responce.
no permanent connection.

(may me i am wrong)