July 13, 2008
Hi again guys.

I've just released the newest version of OpenMW, which now complete support for Windows! You can get the windows binaries here:

http://downloads.sourceforge.net/openmw/openmw-0.3-win32_with_ogre.zip (29M)

If you already have all the OGRE DLLs, you can get away with a much smaller download:

http://downloads.sourceforge.net/openmw/openmw-0.3-win32_no_ogre.zip (802K)

Other downloads (including sources) can be found on the home page:


So, this means that OpenMW now runs on Windows, Linux, FreeBSD (partially supported) and hopefully soon on Linux64.

Conspicuously missing from the list is Mac OS X. If there are any Mac users here who are up to the
challenge, I'd be more than happy to help. I don't believe there are any "show stopper"
obstacles for a Mac port. OpenMW should compile with gdcmac, and I think all the dependencies
have working Mac versions.

To reiterate my last post, OpenMW is an attempt to reimplement Morrowind using only open
source software. It's written (almost) completely in D, and interfaces with C++ libraries like OGRE and
OIS. There's more info at the home page: http://openmw.snaptoad.com/


PS: There's an SVN repository up and running at sourceforge. If you want to play with the latest sources, you can check it out with:

svn co https://openmw.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/openmw/trunk openmw