November 08, 2008
I am having a problem trying to enumerate then call a method of a class.

I have the following situation

class Foo
   void bar () { writefln( "hello" ); }

void traitsTest( TClass, string name )( TClass foo )
   foreach( method; __traits( allMembers, TClass ) )
      writefln( method );
      __traits( getMember, foo, __traits( getVirtualFunctions, TClass, method )[0] )();

void main()
  Foo foo;
  traitsTest!( Foo, "foo" )( foo );

but I am getting "Error: string expected as second argument of __traits getVirtualFunctions instead of method" at line: __traits( getMember, foo, __traits( getVirtualFunctions, TClass, method )[0] )();

What am I doing wrong?

Best Regards,