February 21, 2009
Bill Baxter Wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 5:27 AM, Eldar Insafutdinov <e.insafutdinov@gmail.com> wrote:
> > qtd now works for windows. Here's the binary package http://qtd.googlecode.com/files/qtd-dmd-tango-win32.zip . It is compiled with dmd 1.036 and tango from trunk dated November 2008.
> Fantastic.  Have you written anywhere how you eventually resolved the linker problems?
> --bb

Actually it is a magic. Another guy wrote a makefile that is now building library. C++ part of binding sits in a dll, while D part is in static library. to access symbols from dll we use implib. So what he did, he combined implib output lib with D object files(I don't know how exactly, I didn't even look into makefile). So the linker bug didn't appear.
Btw if somebody wants to build qtd from sources, he should modify makefiles - paths to Qt, etc. In couple of days we will make it more usable and make a written guide.