May 13, 2009
VOLE is an open-source C++ library that dramatically simplifies the business of driving COM servers (via the IDispatch interface)
from C++.

VOLE is highly robust.

VOLE is very flexible, taking and returning normal C++ types, such as int, double, std::string, std::wstring, and so on.

VOLE is 100% header only.

VOLE is compiler-independent, and has been verified to work with the following compilers:

* Digital Mars 8.50+
* GCC 3.4+
* Intel 8+
* Metrowerks CodeWarrior 8
* Visual C++ 6.0+

Release 0.6.3 incorporates:
 * invocation_exception now passes through the underlying scode when DISP_E_EXCEPTION
 * requires STLSoft 1.9.81

Note: this release of VOLE requires STLSoft 1.9.81, or later. Download from

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