Thread overview
D Language Foundation Monthly Meeting Summary for May 2023
Jun 23, 2023
Mike Parker
Jun 23, 2023
Dmitry Olshansky
Jun 23, 2023
Sebastiaan Koppe
Jun 27, 2023
Jun 27, 2023
Mike Parker
Jul 07, 2023
June 23, 2023

The monthly meeting for May 2023 took place on Friday the 5th at 14:00 UTC. It lasted about an hour and a half. This was the last meeting before we started our new planning sessions.

The following people attended:

  • Walter Bright
  • Iain Buclaw
  • Ali Çehreli
  • Martin Kinkelin
  • Dennis Korpel
  • Mathias Lang
  • Razvan Nitu
  • Mike Parker
  • Robert Schadek

The summary


I started with an update on DConf submissions, reporting the numbers and some of the details on who and what. At that point, we had a total of 11 submissions from 8 people. I suggested we could put a panel in one of the open slots if we needed to and asked everyone to think of some ideas. (We ended up with 39 submissions from 21 people, or 24 if you count the additional three members of the one team that submitted, and had no room at all for a panel).

Next, I told everyone we had secured some sponsorship funding from Ahrefs and noted that I planned to use it for BeerConf. I hoped to rent the same space we rented last year at The Fox, so I detailed how I was going to work out paying for it via our event planner. Last year, Funkwerk provided the funding to the DLF, Átila and Walter each paid one or more nights on their credit cards, and the DLF reimbursed them. (Unfortunately, pub hire rates this year have massively increased over last year, putting them well beyond our budget. We've fallen back to the old way of designating a hotel as the BeerConf location, this time Travelodge Central City Road. The sponsorship funding will go toward our speaker reimbursement budget.)

Next, I gave an update on registrations. At that point, only one person had registered. I then talked about some email exchanges I'd had with some D shops about possible sponsorships. (Our current headcount as of June 23 is 43. I'm anticipating a final number in the neighborhood of 60-70, which would be in the same ballpark as last year.)

Walter brought up Sebastiaan Koppe's presentation from last year on structured concurrency. He said he'd like to see Sebastiaan there this year for an update on the project, preferably as a follow-up presentation. He was excited about the project and felt it was a big deal in general and a big deal for D. Even if Sebastiaan decided not to move the project forward, Walter felt we should find someone to take it over. He said the ideas behind it were big and would be a nice thing for us. (We subsequently confirmed with Sebastiaan that he didn't have enough material yet for a follow-up talk).

I summed up by saying that DConf planning was on track and there were no issues so far.

Later, I remembered to mention that I had Robert's GitHub to Bugzilla migration script in hand. Now it was just waiting on me to make time to test it out, so I was the blocker now rather than Robert. He warned me about a command line option I should leave off while testing. (You can read about the progress on that in the General forum and track our progress on our GitHub projects page).)

I asked about some issues that had been migrated to the tools repository from Bugzilla. Robert said that was not from him. Mathias jumped in to say that he had done it a long time ago when he took a stab at this. He had closed all of the Bugzilla issues he'd migrated, so there would be no duplications when migrating the open ones.


Iain opened what turned into a 25-minute segment by saying that he hadn't gotten much done since the middle of March as he'd spent several long weekends on holiday. He'd released D 2.103.0 in April and 2.103.1 on May 1. He had also pushed out the first beta of 2.104.0, and it was on track for release at the end of the month (he announced it on June 2).

He said that GCC 13.1 had been released on April 26. That included version 2.103 of the D frontend in GDC.

Walter thanked Iain for handling the releases for us. Martin asked how long the release process takes nowadays. Iain said it depends on if he hits an issue building the Windows release. The Windows box, and only the Windows box, seems to hit a file system sync issue. There's a D program, copyimports.exe, that had replaced several make recipes to copy files during the build. Sometimes when building the releases, make tries to call that program before the linker has created the executable. When that happens, it aborts and Iain has to run the release process from the start again. He had filed an issue for it.

If everything goes smoothly, it's about a two-hour process. The biggest part of that is waiting for the builds to complete, and then waiting for the CI pipelines to finish. He had noticed that the CI pipelines take longer now. The Mac pipeline had broken a while back and Max had fixed it. Before the breakage, it took about 30 minutes to complete, but since the fix, it had been taking 50 minutes. He didn't know if the slowdown was due to the fix or because the actual runners had slowed down. Martin didn't think it had anything to do with the fix.

At a prompt from Martin, Iain went into quite a bit of detail about the Mac CI pipeline. The slowdown comes when testing the optimized build of dmd. It's two times slower than testing the debug build. It's also running on Rosetta, so there could be many potential reasons for the problem. He said it's a minor annoyance, but someone with an M1 machine should look into it to determine the cause.

Martin noted that they still hadn't found the root cause of the problem that prompted Max's fix. It appears to be due to some sort of change in Apple's libc. Things worked just fine on other platforms and had been working fine on Mac for years until that change.

Iain then talked about Cirrus CI's usage policy and how this issue affects us there. This was followed by a discussion about some of the different kinds of pipelines we have, the pros and cons of different CI providers we've used/are using, and the possibility of moving some of the pipelines to GitHub Actions. Mathias noted that we are severely underutilizing GH Actions.

This was followed by a discussion of Apple's libc, other possible causes of the slowdown, the cost of renting a dedicated M1 Mac, more details about our CI pipelines, and other related topics.

We wrapped up by agreeing that we need to look into making more use of GH Actions.


Ali reported he was still using D to prototype things at work. He then told us he had recently taken a trip to Germany and met up with several D programmers while he was there.


Martin said that unlike Iain, for whom everything had worked out with the most recent GDC release, the LDC side was having some issues. They had hit several regressions.

He described one example that had been reported where adding -g to the LDC command line caused compilation to take 10 times longer than it used to. At first, he wasn't sure if it was a major problem or an outlier, but then Robert had seen a 50-times slow down on the Symmetry code base. That was Martin's #1 regression to tackle. He said it was related to a change in LLVM 15 that hadn't yet been accounted for in LDC, and it was blocking a new release. (He was able to resolve it a few days after the meeting and released the fix in LDC 1.32.2.)

For D 2.103 support, all of the tests were green on Linux except on Windows. It was apparently related to a batch file generated either by CMake or Ninja exceeding the maximum command-line length.

Next, he brought up a topic that led us into a discussion about how to interact with contributors. The gist of it is that someone had submitted a PR that was an incorrect fix for a particular issue. Most likely, the submitter didn't have the big picture and was unable to see that the root problem was elsewhere. By submitting the PR, he did get attention to the issue and someone else solved it with the correct fix, but Martin felt he should have been told sooner that the fix was wrong and why, instead of being asked to, e.g., add missing tests.

Razvan explained why he had taken a neutral approach to that particular PR instead of coming right out and saying it was wrong. In short, he was trying not to upset the person who had submitted it. Martin said he understood the intent, but what if no one else had stepped in and mentioned it, and no one else had provided a more appropriate fix, until after the submitter had addressed any issues raised with the PR? He would surely have been upset in that case. We should always try to be as polite as possible, but if the approach seems to be wrong in the first place, stating that up front is better than wasting his time.

Walter thought Razvan had made a good effort at trying to resolve the issue without creating conflict. He said he often worries about how to get things on track when someone submits a PR that he thinks is the wrong approach. He cited an example where someone had submitted a PR for something that Walter thought was a good idea that had the wrong implementation. He had completely failed to get that point across and ended up upsetting the contributor. This is a tough problem that he knows he needs to do better with.

Robert said he'd found in conflict situations, text-based communication is bad. He said he'd had text discussions with coworkers that seemed negative and weren't working out. In that situation, just setting up a video call with the person changes everything. It can be uncomfortable and weird just talking with people you've never met, especially for techies like us, but you're doing that in text already, and something is lost in text. In doing that, he had found that the way he had read a coworker's words was not the way the coworker had written them.

I noted that Razvan, Dennis, Walter, and I had discussed this not long before. When a conflict arises with a contributor in a discussion thread, invite the contributor to have a call so that you aren't typing past each other. Iain brought up a quote (he couldn't recall the source): "On the internet, no one can read you speak subtle."

Robert said the invitation to the call should be done publicly in the discussion thread rather than privately by email so that the next person that comes along can see that ultimately there was a resolution. Otherwise, you might resolve the problem, but then you close the issue and, for whatever reason, don't leave a note describing why. If someone sees an accepted invitation to a call and the issue is subsequently closed, then it's safer to assume there was a discussion involved. Walter said that was good advice.

(I should take this opportunity to note that improving the environment around contributions is something we're aiming at as part of our ongoing organizational development. We want to encourage increased contributions while reducing the potential for people to waste their time. One of the early steps is to outline a policy on PR reviews, a task you can track in one of our GH Projects once Razvan and Dennis get started on it.)


Mathias said he had written a whole 20 lines of D over the past month. He still wanted to get back to dub but hadn't had much time. As such, he had nothing to report.


Robert talked about the 50-times slow down he'd run into at work, and thanked Martin for helping him track the problem down.

Next, he said he'd made the work project quicker this week by doing quite a bit of refactoring of his graphqld library. He said it's still too slow, so the compiler is too slow. Martin disagreed that the compiler was at fault, noting how Robert's project takes longer to compile than a full repl (an internal Symmetry project) that takes 70 seconds. He doubts it's the compiler that's off. Robert said that he had seen a 100% speedup on his machine after refactoring, getting down to a one-minute compile from two. An incremental rebuild with Ninja was still 12 or 13 seconds.

I asked if he had run LDC's time trace on the project. He said he had. The most time was spent in Phobos, but they're calls that make sense. If he were to do those things himself, he'd just be bloating his code and recreating Phobos. The project is 70K lines of D at this point, and it's mostly templates. He feels D would be much more competitive in the language space if such a project took less than a second to incrementally compile. He wouldn't want to do something like this with Rust because it would take forever to compile. Go would be much faster, but then you wouldn't get the nice templates, and you'd have a much larger project.

Walter noted that some particular Phobos templates had been reported as taking too much time, and he'd been able to speed some of those up with new implementations. Sometimes when you profile, it may just be one template, or a handful of them, giving you speed problems.

Robert explained that graphqld takes so much compile time because it introspects all of the types it's given and creates an internal AST that's then used to generate the reflection API and a schema file that he needs for the front end. His refactoring got that down from happening three times to one time. That in itself is taking quite a while. He has to do it at least once, and unless he writes it all out by hand as the graphql libraries in other languages do, he doesn't see how he can make it faster. That's the lure of D's introspection: you just give it the entry point and it gets all of the links in the graph, and all the types, and gives you something else.

As a user of the language, he shouldn't have to care about the compile-time performance of a feature of the language. If he wants to write a 10,000-line template function, it shouldn't be much different from writing a 10,000-line normal function.

On the topic of compile times, Walter said that in trying to resolve a compiler bug, he'd discovered that CTFE was being called three times for each use of CTFE. He hadn't yet been able to track down why it was doing that, but we could potentially be looking at a situation where he's able to triple the speed of CTFE if he can resolve it.

Finally, Robert thanked Dennis for his awesome video, saying he learned something from it.


Razvan had been focused on fixing regressions and compiler ICEs while managing the PR queues and going through Bugzilla issues. He had been looking at statistics on the issues and found the total number of open issues was on a clear downward trend. At the time of the meeting, we had gotten down to a total we last saw in 2018.

He said the Phobos PR queue was pretty quiet, with only two or three PRs submitted per week. There was much more activity in the compiler repository, with around 20 or 30 PRs per week. Most of the dmd PRs in the past month had come from Razvan, Dennis, and Walter, and only a few from other people. But in the past week, there had been a sudden spike in activity from other people. He wondered who we could assign tasks to outside of the people in this meeting once we set up our task lists.


Broken nightlies

Dennis reported that the nightlies were broken because FreeBSD switched from LLVM 9 straight to 15 and the old package was no longer installed. Martin had been working on that for LDC, and Dennis asked if Iain had run into that problem with the last DMD release. Iain had not. The only thing he'd noticed was that LLVM 1.32.1 was missing, so he'd had to use the .0 release to build DMD.

As for building on FreeBSD, Iain said he builds on his own box. He linked the line from the release builder. Martin noted the comments show that the VM this uses is a version of FreeBSD from 2020, which is why it still works. Iain checked and found the latest configuration available on Vagrant was from FreeBSD 12.4 from January of this year, so he could switch to using that for building releases. Or he could jump to 13. If he updates, maybe he'll hit the same issue that was killing the nightlies.

Martin said it's always nice if the CI scripts use echoing. It comes in handy precisely in this kind of situation. Concerning FreeBSD, he had no idea what they'd changed. He didn't use it himself outside of LDC CI. Somehow they changed extremely, even on FreeBSD 12, a years-old version. They didn't just bump the LDC package from 9 to 15, but they also removed the LLVM 9 package. 10+ are all available, but 9 is gone. There also was a major bump in the GCC package. And they changed the "official" LDC version to 1.32.0. He'd already encountered a problem with some sort of change they made in the GNU tools that forced him to flip the order of some switches for a trivial command. His experience with backward compatibility on FreeBSD was horrible. He reiterated something he'd said in the past: CI is a constant battle. Apple suddenly made changes in something that had worked for years, and FreeBSD has made changes in something that had worked for years... it's always like this.

Dennis had opened a PR to update the installer. With that, building now succeeded, but he was getting an error from a later step in the process (see the discussion thread on the linked PR). He had no clue how to debug that and could use some assistance. Martin spent a little time looking at it but saw nothing obvious.

I asked if we should take the FreeBSD builds out of the nightlies. Dennis said he'd try that and see how it goes.

More CI woes

Dennis had been working on refactoring the backend, something for which Walter had given his approval in our April meeting. He'd been replacing C-style function prototypes with imports, and that had revealed some missing const and @nogc attributes and how incremental compilation is broken. He'd made nice progress with that. Unfortunately, replacing a prototype with an import sometimes causes the Azure CI to complain about being out of memory. Either it's at the brink of its resource limits, or replacing a prototype with an import somehow spikes memory usage. There's barely an impact on memory usage locally. The CI for Ubuntu sometimes times out.

I asked if we need to upgrade the Azure account. Dennis had no idea what the current resource limits were. Martin said it's mostly the same as GitHub Actions. They're built on the same infrastructure and resource limits are the same. It used to allow 10 concurrent jobs at a time, but they doubled that to 20 last year. They're using the same extremely slow Azure VMs.

Dennis said he was surprised by the OOM. Martin said the VM probably had at least 8GB. He asked for a link to the PR that triggered the OOM. Walter suggested switching to separate compilation and that should cut down on the memory usage. The backend was originally set up to be separately compiled. Dennis said currently it's all compiled in one go. The front end is compiled separately. He suspected that it wasn't a resource problem. Phobos should take more memory to compile, but never hits an OOM. Something weird was going on, but he didn't know what. Walter said the backend had significantly larger functions than Phobos. I reminded everyone that Dennis had said it was only happening on Azure and not locally.

As we were talking, Martin had been investigating. He said it wasn't only Azure, but also Cirrus, and only when using DMD as the host compiler. With LDC, they were passing. It appeared to be a DMD problem, but it made no sense to him at all based on the diffs. It was astonishing that replacing a prototype with an import could lead to this behavior.

No one had any ideas, so Dennis said he would work on something else and defer this to later.

(Apparently, it was fixed, but I don't know the details.)


Following on from his update in our April meeting, Walter reported that his efforts at Twitter outreach had shown some moderate success. Instead of tweeting once every few months as he had before, he'd been trying to tweet something every day about D, programming in general, and maybe some engineering anecdotes.

Next, he said he'd been working on ImportC. One frustrating thing was that he had no idea how successful it was among users. He had posted in the forums asking people to try it and report any issues. That had resulted in a bunch of bug reports that he was fixing. That was kind of an endless whack-a-mole. There's always somebody using some silly C extension in their header files that's best removed, but he can't remove it so he has to find a way to make it work.

He'd recently done a PR to implement C vector types, which had turned out to be a surprisingly small amount of code. That was nice. But he doesn't have a feel for where we are in the utility of ImportC.

He encouraged people to give ImportC a try and tell him how it breaks, then he would try to fix it. He'd added the vector instructions because of an issue Steven Schveighoffer ran into when he tried it. He wants people to report even the small bugs. Those are like a small rock in your shoe: it's easy to get out, but annoying while it's there. He wants to get ImportC polished even at that level.

Otherwise, he was just continuing the process of working on bug fixes rather than enhancements. That may be reflected in the statistics Razvan reported of the bug count going down.

Walter then brought up the rejected enum inference DIP. He thinks an implicit with on case statements when the switch variable is an enum is a better alternative. He'd been thinking a lot about it, and it was still in the back of his mind. The problem with it was, where do you stop? If you have an expression, a === b, where a is an enum expression and b is an enum value, does that automatically imply a with on the b? I noted that Java stopped with the case. Walter thinks it's a good idea, he just worries that if we do it we'll be opening the door to all kinds of whacky things.

There had been a lot of trouble with using format with BetterC and CTFE. It boils down to format allocating memory from the GC. So he'd been going through the source of format to find out where it's allocating memory and if it really needs to allocate. He thought he could make some progress on that. For example, converting an integer to a string always allocates, but there's no reason for it to allocate because the amount of memory it needs is always bounded.

Other than that, he had no momentous issues. He was just grinding along, fixing problems one by one. He hoped to get ImportC's problems into the background. As far as implementing C, it's doing very well. It's just all those "nutburger" extensions people use that cause problems.

Martin said he'd welcome getting rid of the C initializers in the AST. He and Walter had talked before about converting them to D initializers in the AST. Walter had said he'd do it, but we were still waiting on it. This got Walter going on a rant about how complex C initializers had become in C23. The spec on them had blown up into pages and pages of descriptions and, even as a language lawyer who's spent his whole career reading C specs, he can't figure out what it's saying. These days, it's a fraud to regard C as a simple language. And it's unnecessary complexity.

The next meetings

We started our new planning sessions the following week, the results of which I've already posted in the General forum. Our next monthly took place on June 2 at 15:00 UTC and was the first with expanded membership. I'll have the summary for that as soon as I can.

As always, if you have an issue or idea you'd like to discuss with us, please let me know and I'll bring you into the first monthly I can. I want to emphasize that these are not formal meetings. Our conversations are free, open, and casual. We're eager for input from diverse sources, so if you feel like you have something that can improve the D language, ecosystem, or community, please don't hesitate to bring it to us.

June 23, 2023

On Friday, 23 June 2023 at 14:32:51 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:


The monthly meeting for May 2023 took place on Friday the 5th at 14:00 UTC. It lasted about an hour and a half. This was the last meeting before we started our new planning sessions.

Nice to read on what you guys are doing!

Dmitry Olshansky
CEO at Glow labs

June 23, 2023

On Friday, 23 June 2023 at 14:32:51 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:



Walter brought up Sebastiaan Koppe's presentation from last year on structured concurrency. He said he'd like to see Sebastiaan there this year for an update on the project, preferably as a follow-up presentation. He was excited about the project and felt it was a big deal in general and a big deal for D. Even if Sebastiaan decided not to move the project forward, Walter felt we should find someone to take it over. He said the ideas behind it were big and would be a nice thing for us. (We subsequently confirmed with Sebastiaan that he didn't have enough material yet for a follow-up talk).


For anyone interested, this is still very much alive.

In fact, the lovely folks at have validated several ideas I had for improving things, and I have been using any spare time I have left - which isn't much sadly - to incorporate these concepts.

I hope to find some time to do a lighting talk.

June 24, 2023
If you feel up to doing a practice talk, you're welcome to join us on BeerConf!
June 27, 2023

On Friday, 23 June 2023 at 14:32:51 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:


The monthly meeting for May 2023 took place on Friday the 5th at 14:00 UTC. It lasted about an hour and a half.

Hi Mike.
Does anyone consider some automatization and application of modern technologies for the process of meeting summarization?

Like NN that:

  • record the sound from the call
  • make sound to text (with different speakers)
  • make text summarization
  • generate report

After that real person could verify result and make small corrections. It should significantly reduce effort and decrease time-to-market :)

June 27, 2023

On Tuesday, 27 June 2023 at 12:36:20 UTC, Sergey wrote:


After that real person could verify result and make small corrections. It should significantly reduce effort and decrease time-to-market :)

Yes. The next version of Davinci Resolve (which I use for video editing) will have automated transcriptions. Once it's released, I intend to start loading my meeting recordings into it and then derive my summaries from that.

However, I still will write the summaries as summaries, rather than publishing the transcripts directly or otherwise quoting them verbatim. This will save me from having to go back and forth through the video, so it will certainly save time.

I still will put at least three or four weeks between the meetings and the summaries. One benefit I've found in the delay is that it's an easy way for me to follow up on any actionable items. As I'm writing a summary, I can check on the status of issues, follow up with anyone who said they'd do something, etc. Then I don't have to worry about taking notes during the meeting, I can add the current status directly into the summary, and anything that's not done by the time I write it up I can stay on top of.

July 07, 2023

On Tuesday, 27 June 2023 at 14:18:52 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:


I still will put at least three or four weeks between the meetings and the summaries.

I appreciate your summary here. This was very insightful!