December 12, 2009

how do I broadcast a UDP packet?
I set the BROADCAST option on the socket (do I really have to) and then use the address x.y.z.255 to broadcast it. The IP address is correctly set. I use it this way:
socket_instance.sendTo(char[] packet, new InternetAddress(addr, port));

It returns -1 bytes sent, which I consider as an error. What am I missing?

Thanks in advance, Dominik
December 12, 2009
Sorry for wasting space - I am an idiot. I created a TCP socket and I was expecting a UDP packet to be sent. I just forgot about what I wrote before... :-/

Dominik Taborsky Wrote:

> Hi,
> how do I broadcast a UDP packet?
> I set the BROADCAST option on the socket (do I really have to) and then use the address x.y.z.255 to broadcast it. The IP address is correctly set. I use it this way:
> socket_instance.sendTo(char[] packet, new InternetAddress(addr, port));
> It returns -1 bytes sent, which I consider as an error. What am I missing?
> Thanks in advance, Dominik