June 03, 2021

On Wednesday, 2 June 2021 at 17:50:13 UTC, Sean wrote:


On Wednesday, 2 June 2021 at 15:32:38 UTC, Sean wrote:


if so, how can I get the behavior i am searching for? Thank you.

My current solution, if anyone wonders : https://github.com/patefacio/d-help/blob/master/d-help/opmix/dup.d

You may find the hasIndirections template from std.traits useful.

import std.traits : hasIndirections, ValueType;
import std.range.primitives : ElementType;
int[] a;
int[][] b;
int[string] x;
int[][string] y;
struct S { int s; }
struct T { int[] t; }

assert(!hasIndirections!( ElementType!(typeof(a)) ));
assert( hasIndirections!( ElementType!(typeof(b)) ));
assert(!hasIndirections!( ValueType!(typeof(x)) ));
assert( hasIndirections!( ValueType!(typeof(y)) ));
assert( hasIndirections!T);
June 03, 2021

On Wednesday, 2 June 2021 at 15:32:38 UTC, Sean wrote:



You can implement deep copy using template recursion:

import std;

T[] rdup(T : U[], U)(T[] duped) {
    return duped.map!(arr => arr.rdup).array;

T[] rdup(T)(T[] duped) {
    return duped.dup;

void main()
    int[][][] dupeable = [[[1], [2]], [[3]]];
    auto duped = dupeable.rdup;
    duped[0][0][0] = 9;
    writeln("Hello D-eep copy of ", dupeable, " to ", duped);

Best regards,

June 03, 2021
import std.stdio;
void main(){
auto a=new int[][] (0,0);
auto b= a.dup;

Program above outputs [[1, 2], [3, 7]]
Which means a[1][1] and b[1][1] point to the same memory location.
But a[0] occupies a different memory location as b[0].
It is a shallow copy and is the expected behaviour.
Maybe there is need for a library function dupdeep ?

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