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std.encoding Usage
Dec 24, 2010
Mandeep Singh Brar
Dec 24, 2010
Jan 12, 2011
Mandeep Singh Brar
December 24, 2010

Can you please help me/point me to the usage for std.encoding
package.I think i was successfully able to encode a string into
byte array using the following code:
        string x = "test";
        ubyte[] buffer;
	EncodingScheme es = EncodingScheme.create("UTF-16LE");
		ubyte[4] buf;
	 	int l = es.encode(c, buf);

and i was able to decode using the following:
         string y;
	for(int pos=0;pos<buffer.length;pos+=2)
		ubyte[] cha;
		cha = buffer[pos..pos+2];
	 	dchar f1 = es.decode(cha);

However i dont think i am doing it the correct way, particularly the decoding part. (introducing 2 and creating another buffer etc.).. if i directly try decoding it using the buffer variable in the decoding example, i do not get a correctly decoded string.

Can you please let me know the correct way to encode and then decode a string using std.encoding package. I tried reading the doc page on the site but wasnt able to clearly follow it.

December 24, 2010
On Fri, 24 Dec 2010 18:33:04 +0000 (UTC)
Mandeep Singh Brar <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Can you please help me/point me to the usage for std.encoding
> package.I think i was successfully able to encode a string into
> byte array using the following code:
>         string x = "test";
>         ubyte[] buffer;
> 	EncodingScheme es = EncodingScheme.create("UTF-16LE");
> 	foreach(c;codePoints(x))
>         {
> 		ubyte[4] buf;
> 	 	int l = es.encode(c, buf);
> 		buffer~=buf[0..l];
> 	}
> and i was able to decode using the following:
>          string y;
> 	for(int pos=0;pos<buffer.length;pos+=2)
>         {
> 		ubyte[] cha;
> 		cha = buffer[pos..pos+2];
> 	 	dchar f1 = es.decode(cha);
> 		y~=cast(char)f1;
> 	}
> However i dont think i am doing it the correct way, particularly the decoding part. (introducing 2 and creating another buffer etc.).. if i directly try decoding it using the buffer variable in the decoding example, i do not get a correctly decoded string.
> Can you please let me know the correct way to encode and then decode a string using std.encoding package. I tried reading the doc page on the site but wasnt able to clearly follow it.

As an alternative, you may directly use std.utf instead (I also had issues using std.encoding, falled back to std.utf.) Example of encoding/decoding from/yo utf8 at Inside the struct Text, fromUTF8 decodes a whole source text and toString encodes it.
Note: a trick for decoding is that index (must be uint) is passed by ref and advanced by called funcs.

-- -- -- -- -- -- --
vit esse estrany ☣

January 12, 2011
Putting here that the following worked for me.

string str
ubyte[] buffer;
foreach(ch;str) {
	ubyte[4] buf;
	int len = encodingScheme.encode(ch, buf);

ubyte[] encodedBuffer;
string decodedString;
while(encodedBuffer.length>0) {
