Thread overview
C# interop
Jan 30, 2011
Eelco Hoogendoorn
Jan 30, 2011
Simen kjaeraas
Jan 30, 2011
Jan 30, 2011
Eelco Hoogendoorn
January 30, 2011

I am trying to combine C# and D, to get what is to me the best of both worlds; large libraries and excellent toolchain, with to the
metal programming.

Currently, I am doing this by means of C#/CLI/C++ interop, but I got reminded as to why I hate C++ so much after spending a few days
trying to get something as simple as ranges to work. But the interop works smooth; no complaints there.

I am using visual D, if it matters any.

What would be the best way to go about this? The D documentation is kindof cryptic to a non-professional like me. It doesnt seem as
if I will be able to use D classes inside CLI, so I think that means I might as well ditch it altogether and just use Pinvoke?

Any suggestions are appreciated!

January 30, 2011
Eelco Hoogendoorn <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to combine C# and D, to get what is to me the best of both worlds; large libraries and excellent toolchain, with to the
> metal programming.
> Currently, I am doing this by means of C#/CLI/C++ interop, but I got reminded as to why I hate C++ so much after spending a few days
> trying to get something as simple as ranges to work. But the interop works smooth; no complaints there.
> I am using visual D, if it matters any.
> What would be the best way to go about this? The D documentation is kindof cryptic to a non-professional like me. It doesnt seem as
> if I will be able to use D classes inside CLI, so I think that means I might as well ditch it altogether and just use Pinvoke?
> Any suggestions are appreciated!

There is at least one attempt to make a D compiler for .net, you might
want to give that a try:

January 30, 2011
As Simen said, there was an attempt to create an IL backend but it hasn't been updated since Aug 2009 and even it compiled you probably wouldn't have much fun with it.
You could try to use a C bridge. But even then, I don't see the benefit.
January 30, 2011
Given that I explicitly stated my interest in to the
metal programming, I dont think the .NET implementation
will do me any good, no matter how perfectly implemented
it is.