I apologize for this delayed update, as I've been traveling home from DConf on Sunday, and I got home on Monday at 3AM. I did manage to sneak some work during Dconf though - started another rebase :D.
This rebase is going a bit faster, as there really aren't any additional changes added in the upstream repo. I did go through code files in order to get an idea of what's coming up and if there are any other things we missed:
- A few checks where not honoring the "skip-unittest" user configuration - fixed
- GH Actions pipeline was failing due to an action deprecation - fixed
- A check was implemented using semantic analysis and somehow got merged. We don't run semantic analysis yet. This check will need to implemented without semantic for now.
Additionally, I took a look at how Autofix was implemented with libdparse. It looks like it just needs to be moved to the "dmd as a libray" flow, with some changes regarding token replacement. The Autofix logic should be the same though.