July 16, 2011
This code worked in dmd 2.052:

ubyte[] getIncludedFileImpl(FS...)(string file) {
    switch(file) {
        foreach(F; FS) { //ct foreach
            //forever in love with you D
            case F: return cast(ubyte[]) import(F);
        default: throw new Exception(format("A needed included file not found %s", file));

It does not work anymore. I know about switch changes but the following doesn't work either:

ubyte[] getIncludedFileImpl(FS...)(string file) {
    switch(file) {
        foreach(F; FS) { //ct foreach
            //forever in love with you D
            case F: return cast(ubyte[]) import(F);
            break; // <--- here
        default: throw new Exception(format("A needed included file not found %s", file));

How can I fix this code?


PS: I know I can be done with some ugly string mixins but I want it to work somewhat like it worked before.