August 12, 2011
AutoDDoc is a simple documentation generator script for D.

It's a single file Python script that scans a project directory, finds D sources and generates documentation using DMD or something else that can process DDoc.

At first it was only meant for my personal projects, but I think it might be of some use to someone. I used Python for convenience, it should not be difficult to rewrite in D, but I still prefer Python for scripts.

It's cotrolled by a configuration file similarly to Doxygen, but with only basic settings (project name, version, output directory, which sources to ignore, etc.).

It's trivial to generate basic documentation for a project, no need to play with DMD directly.

It only generates HTML (CSS can be specified by user) and assumes that directory/file structure matches package/module structure.

It includes some DDoc macros and CSS based on phobos/ sources.
