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Memory safe and coroutines are the focus of D.
Oct 16, 2022
Oct 16, 2022
Oct 16, 2022
Per Nordlöw
Oct 16, 2022
Oct 16, 2022
Oct 17, 2022
Paulo Pinto
Oct 17, 2022
Oct 17, 2022
Oct 19, 2022
Oct 19, 2022
Oct 19, 2022
Oct 19, 2022
October 16, 2022

Memory safe:
Now there are two programming languages to solve memory safe. One is that rust-language limits memory safe when writing. The other is that swift-language uses ARC to manage memory to ensure memory safe. I think D should do more like swift.

Golang successfully achieved high concurrency by using coroutines. C++ also introduces the concept of coroutine. The latest Java version also introduces the virtual threads. As a concurrent language, shouldn't D support this feature?

October 16, 2022

On Sunday, 16 October 2022 at 17:59:41 UTC, zoujiaqing wrote:


Memory safe:
Now there are two programming languages to solve memory safe. One is that rust-language limits memory safe when writing. The other is that swift-language uses ARC to manage memory to ensure memory safe. I think D should do more like swift.

Not going to happen because Walter do not want to have managed pointers in the language. So we just have raw pointers in D just like we have now. How do we add arbitrary managed memory (ARC or whatever you want) with only raw pointers? I don't know and I don't say it's impossible but that could be a fun D conference talk.

As for the Swift comparison, it has value types which are allocated on the stack and then it has classes which are allocated on the heap. This in Swift does not exist (you can do this if you resort to some unsafe types).

int *intPtr = new int;

Swift also does allocation on the heap of structs which are value types under certain conditions so there is more going on under the hood there. Programmer will never see this unless they debug the code. This can also make havoc if you start to copy these heap allocated value types which can cause more heap allocations without you knowing it.

If D would follow the same separation as Swift, then ARC for only classes would be possible. Also that would be a reason not to use D because I like to heap allocate whatever I want.

October 16, 2022

On Sunday, 16 October 2022 at 20:22:47 UTC, IGotD- wrote:


Not going to happen because Walter do not want to have managed pointers in the language. So we just have raw pointers in D just like we have now. How do we add arbitrary managed memory (ARC or whatever you want) with only raw pointers? I don't know and I don't say it's impossible but that could be a fun D conference talk.

Can you give elaborate or give references on the topic of using managed pointers that do ARC? Are some bits of the address used to store the reference count. What about other languages like Java and C#? Do they also pack flags into the adresses?

I find lots of articles on managed pointers in Swift like https://www.vadimbulavin.com/swift-pointers-overview-unsafe-buffer-raw-and-managed-pointers/ but no information on how they are actually encoded on the bit-level.

October 16, 2022

On Sunday, 16 October 2022 at 22:07:59 UTC, Per Nordlöw wrote:


Can you give elaborate or give references on the topic of using managed pointers that do ARC? Are some bits of the address used to store the reference count. What about other languages like Java and C#? Do they also pack flags into the adresses?

I find lots of articles on managed pointers in Swift like https://www.vadimbulavin.com/swift-pointers-overview-unsafe-buffer-raw-and-managed-pointers/ but no information on how they are actually encoded on the bit-level.

Not that easy to find information about the memory layout of the Swift data structures. What I've understood in this page


is that the reference count (which is called retain count in Swift world) is stored in the beginning of the class structure together with the members, two counters, one strong count and one weak count. It's really the most simple way to store it as only classes have reference counting in Swift.

Swift has a bunch of unsafe raw pointers but one that is interesting the unmanaged wrapper. With that one if you wrap your class in a unmanaged wrapper then it basically becomes a manually reference counted class. This can be useful if you have a code section you know the class will be alive and you can do away with all the increase/decrease of the reference count (which is also atomic).

Reference counting really adds to the instrumentation of the code, like the unmanaged wrapper, you have to deal with strong/weak references. Swift is talking about adding movable types, borrow/take modifiers to reduce the counting.


It's not all glamour with ARC and it has its downsides as well.

October 16, 2022
On 10/17/22 00:07, Per Nordlöw via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> Can you give elaborate or give references on the topic of using managed pointers that do ARC?

Aside from Swift, you might also want to check out Nim. They have tracing (ref) and untracing (ptr) pointers and recently made the jump to ARC/ORC by utilizing destructors and move semantic optimization which allows them to avoid certain RC downsides. But I'm clueless about what impact that had in the Nim world, I did not follow it closely.

[1] https://nim-lang.org/blog/2020/10/15/introduction-to-arc-orc-in-nim.html
[2] https://nim-lang.org/docs/destructors.html
[3] https://zevv.nl/nim-memory/
October 17, 2022
On Sunday, 16 October 2022 at 23:28:15 UTC, rassoc wrote:
> On 10/17/22 00:07, Per Nordlöw via Digitalmars-d wrote:
>> Can you give elaborate or give references on the topic of using managed pointers that do ARC?
> Aside from Swift, you might also want to check out Nim. They have tracing (ref) and untracing (ptr) pointers and recently made the jump to ARC/ORC by utilizing destructors and move semantic optimization which allows them to avoid certain RC downsides. But I'm clueless about what impact that had in the Nim world, I did not follow it closely.
> [1] https://nim-lang.org/blog/2020/10/15/introduction-to-arc-orc-in-nim.html
> [2] https://nim-lang.org/docs/destructors.html
> [3] https://zevv.nl/nim-memory/

Or go all the back back to the early 80's with Mesa/Cedar used for a Xerox PARC graphical workstation, and component based OS.

This session from Eric Bier at Computer History Museum, demos the OS, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_dt7NG38V4

Mesa/Cedar used reference counting with a cycle collector.

"On Adding Garbage Collection and Runtime Types to a Strongly-Typed, Statically-Checked, Concurrent Language" Xerox report,


October 17, 2022
On Sunday, 16 October 2022 at 23:28:15 UTC, rassoc wrote:
> On 10/17/22 00:07, Per Nordlöw via Digitalmars-d wrote:
>> Can you give elaborate or give references on the topic of using managed pointers that do ARC?
> Aside from Swift, you might also want to check out Nim. They have tracing (ref) and untracing (ptr) pointers and recently made the jump to ARC/ORC by utilizing destructors and move semantic optimization which allows them to avoid certain RC downsides. But I'm clueless about what impact that had in the Nim world, I did not follow it closely.
> [1] https://nim-lang.org/blog/2020/10/15/introduction-to-arc-orc-in-nim.html
> [2] https://nim-lang.org/docs/destructors.html
> [3] https://zevv.nl/nim-memory/

Walter's argument against this has been that it forces the user to write multiple copies of the function to support both pointer types. Even if you have a templated version to handle it, you would still have two copies.

You would need some kind of type erasure, similar to inout (not that inout pulls its weight), and I'm sure there would be a lot of complications associated with it.
October 17, 2022
On Monday, 17 October 2022 at 14:51:09 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
> Walter's argument against this has been that it forces the user to write multiple copies of the function to support both pointer types. Even if you have a templated version to handle it, you would still have two copies.
> You would need some kind of type erasure, similar to inout (not that inout pulls its weight), and I'm sure there would be a lot of complications associated with it.

The distinction between managed and unmanaged pointers can also be found in: C#, C++ (shared_ptr), Rust (Arc), Swift, Go (Go uses 'uint' for untraced pointers IIRC)... In practice it doesn't lead to multiple copies of the same code for two reasons:
1. It's clear when to use which pointer type.
2. Unmanaged pointers are used much more rarely because automatic memory management simply works much better than manual MM; it's simply much more cost effective.

October 19, 2022
On Monday, 17 October 2022 at 14:51:09 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
> Walter's argument against this has been that it forces the user to write multiple copies of the function to support both pointer types. Even if you have a templated version to handle it, you would still have two copies.
> You would need some kind of type erasure, similar to inout (not that inout pulls its weight), and I'm sure there would be a lot of complications associated with it.

GC is not a good system level programming language.

Microsoft and Linux started supporting rust because of memory security.

Apple iOS apps developed with swift will run more smoothly because of memory security.
October 19, 2022
On Wednesday, 19 October 2022 at 06:34:54 UTC, zoujiaqing wrote:
> On Monday, 17 October 2022 at 14:51:09 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
> Apple iOS apps developed with swift will run more smoothly because of memory security.

Did you heard about Val? It is inspired on both Swift and C++ https://www.val-lang.dev/
But it is just in the begining of the road and lack of vision how Concurrency should be done properly.
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