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 | Posted by torhu in reply to claptrap | Permalink Reply |
Posted in reply to claptrap
| On Monday, 27 January 2025 at 09:29:17 UTC, claptrap wrote:
> On Sunday, 26 January 2025 at 22:41:03 UTC, torhu wrote:
> On Sunday, 26 January 2025 at 18:42:01 UTC, IchorDev wrote:
> On Sunday, 26 January 2025 at 02:19:04 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
> I went to the community Discord and searched the history for your username.
Here's what actually happened: you saw one user in the Discord with pronouns in their display name and threw a tantrum about
Maybe the lesson to be learned is that much like the ‘Boolean’ logic in our hardware that operates by reinterpreting arbitrary voltages as low and high, we too arbitrarily categorise things as political because they’re foreign to our black and white perception of the world.
Let's call it ideological instead of political if you prefer that.
It was neither, it was personal, it was in their profile, no different than wearing a cross round your neck, or a dodgers t-shirt. Its what humans do, they display to other humans things about who they are. That's the whole point of a "profile", so you can let people know a little bit about you.
Nope. And it's not profile, but the member list. Which is not the default on Discord, it has to be enabled by admins.
> You made it political because you got so upset about it you felt the need to complain about it. IE. You are the one being "ideological", you want to impose your ideology on others.
No, not true, and I don't have an idelogical stance on this. I just don't think people sexuality, ideology, fetishes, or whatever is something that needs to be accommodated in a Discord that's about programming. Nobody should need to know, or care.
> It's honestly depressing that you don't understand why such behaviour is a problem.
I could say the same about your behavior, would that achieve anything?